An exam board delighted GCSE students after it answered its own question in a GCSE chemistry paper.
The AQA exam question asked students to complete the blank in the following question: limestone is mostly calcium __ A subsequent question read: "limestone is mostly calcium carbonate", which essentially gave the answer away.
这套由AQA机构出的试卷中,一道填空题问:石灰岩的主要成分是___ ,接下来的一道题题干为:“石灰岩的主要成分是碳酸钙,正好是前面问题的答案。
An AQA spokesman said: "As part of our ongoing quality control checks we noticed that an answer to a one-mark question was given in a longer question later on in the paper. This shouldn't have happened, and we're sorry it did. We'll make sure it doesn't affect students' grades, but schools can get in touch if they have concerns."
Students on Twitter reacted with joy.
2a) complete the blank: i) limestone is mostly calcium_______
5b) limestone is made of mostly calcium carbonate Okay #aqachemistry
—emi? (@embly99) June 9, 2015
@embly99: 2a)填空题:i)石灰岩的主要成分是___
5b)石灰岩的主要成分是碳酸钙... 好吧 #aqa化学考试 2015.6.9
1 mark "fill-in the gap" questions about the limestone cycle #aqachemistry
—Jack Edwards (@jackbenedwards) June 9, 2015
@jackbenedwards:这道关于石灰岩成分的一分“填空题真是... #aqa化学考试 2015.6.9
AQA giving us them limestone questions. #AQAChemistry
—Patbingsu (@ayyshakks) June 9, 2015
@ayyshakks:AQA自问自答的石灰岩问题 #AQA化学考试 2015.6.9
The gaffe follows frustration over an Edexcel question in a GCSE maths exam about Hannah's sweets, which became an internet phenomenon last week.
Students taking Edexcel's GCSE Maths paper took to Twitter to vent their frustration over a problem involving how many sweets a girl called Hannah has.
The focus of their ire was a girl named Hannah has 6 orange sweets and some yellow sweets. Overall, she has n sweets. The probability of her taking 2 orange sweets is 1/3. Prove that: n²-n-90=0.
这道倍受吐槽的题干是这么写的:汉娜有6颗橙色糖果,和若干黄色糖果。设她共有n颗糖果,而她拿出2颗橙色糖果的几率是3分之1,求证 n²-n-90=0。
limestone: 石灰岩
calcium carbonate: 碳酸钙
gaffe: 过失
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