Japan and China may publicly snarl over disputedterritory, naval brinkmanship and the interpretaionof history, but for Asia’s biggest economies the eraof vending machine diplomacy has dawned.
This month, in the intimacy of a Ginza hotel, one ofJapan’s most quietly influential business lobbies willmeet with its Chinese counterpart forunprecedented talks.
Convened through mutual need and ambition, the summit will focus on the future of anindustry that generates global sales of consumer products worth more than $50bn per year.
Delegates have high hopes for detente: however feisty maritime tensions become, when itcomes to the automated sale of cold tea, instant noodles and ice cream, China and Japan haveacres of common ground.
Nor is this the only sign of thaw. The quintessentially Japanese animation Stand By MeDoraemon is setting box office records in China, with cinema-goers shunning Hollywoodblockbuster Avengers: Age of Ultron in favour of the grinning robot cat, in spite of warnings ina state-owned newspaper that Doraemon represented a stealth export of Japanese culturalvalues.
这并非关系解冻的唯一标志。经典日本动漫影片《哆啦A梦》(Stand By Me Doraemon)在中国创下了票房纪录,观众们不看好莱坞大片《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》(Avengers: Age of Ultron),而是支持这只咧嘴大笑的机器猫,尽管一家国有报社警告称,哆啦A梦在悄悄地输出日本的文化价值观。
The vending machine summit, to be held on June 16, will provide the first bilateral forum forrepresentatives of China and Japan — 30 delegates on both sides — to discuss the future ofthe industry amid fundamental market shifts across the two countries. Each side, said KiyoakiTakeda, the Chairman of the Japanese Vending Machine Manufacturers’ Association, has muchto gain from co-operation.
定于6月16日召开的自动售货机峰会,将为中日双方代表(每一方均为30人)提供首个双边论坛,以讨论该行业在两国基本市场变化中的未来。日本自动售货机工业会(JVMA)会长竹田清昭(Kiyoaki Takeda)表示,每一方都会在合作中受益良多。
As hosts of the summit, the Japanese are anxious to discuss their potential for growth inAsia’s biggest economy as ageing demographics and sluggish wage growth weigh on domesticperformance.
Japan may boast a static, metallic sales force of 5m vending machines but their performanceis waning along with tapering sales of soft drinks, beer and cigarettes. These are nervous timesfor Japanese companies used to producing more than 300,000 machines a year on expectationsof selling most of them into the domestic market.
For China, which has an estimated 100,000 machines in place, there is admiration for the wayin which vending machines have so comprehensively infiltrated Japanese daily life, and for theway the JVMA’s members have manipulated the politics behind that.
Of even greater interest is the vending machines’ ability to deliver earnings. Japan’s largest softdrinks makers — Coca-Cola, Suntory, Kirin and Asahi — are estimated to shift about a third oftheir total domestic volumes through the machines but they derive roughly two-thirds of theirprofits from those sales.
“The Chinese have realised that there is a lot going on behind the operation of a successfulvending machine, said Mr Takeda. “It is basically a service business: the machines have to bekept clean, well stocked and have a perfect mechanism. If they take the money and fail to vendjust once, then that destroys their image. The Chinese are keen to understand that side ofthe industry from Japan.
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