LONDON — Perhaps befitting a battle that endedFrench hegemony in Europe, Paris, it seems, hasbeen outflanked once again.
After it objected to a decision in March by Belgiumto introduce a new 2 euro coin to commemoratethe 200th anniversary of Napoleon’s defeat atWaterloo, the Belgians retreated, scrapping 180,000coins they had already minted.
But victory for France is proving elusive.
This week, Belgium decided to circumvent French resistance by invoking a little-knownEuropean Union rule that allows countries to issue euro coins of their choice, provided they arein an irregular denomination.
That led to the unveiling of a 2.50 coin — a first in Belgium — and 70,000 of them have nowbeen minted. The coins, which can only be spent inside Belgium, display a monument of a lionatop a cone-shaped hill on the site of France’s humiliation, as well as lines indicating wheretroops were positioned when forces led by Britain and Prussia defeated Napoleon in thecountryside near Brussels.
Johan Van Overtveldt, the Belgian finance minister, insisted on Monday that the new coins werenot meant to provoke Gallic anger.
比利时财政大臣约翰·范奥维尔威尔特(Johan Van Overtveldt)周一坚称,铸造这些新硬币并不是为了挑起法国人的愤怒情绪。
“The goal is not to revive old quarrels in a modern Europe — and there are more importantthings to sort out, he was quoted as saying by Agence France-Presse. “But there’s been nobattle in recent history as important as Waterloo, or indeed one that captures the imaginationin the same way.
“这样做并非是想在当今的欧洲重燃旧的纷争——我们还有更重要的事情需要解决,法新社(Agence France-Presse)援引他的话报道。“但是在近代历史中,没有哪场战役比滑铁卢战役更重要,也的确没有哪场战役像它一样激起人们的兴趣。
There is no doubt that the European Union has bigger struggles to wage at the moment. But inits small way, the skirmish has signaled the challenges facing European integration, and thelimits of Europe’s open borders at overcoming old nationalist impulses.
Tensions among the 19 countries that use the euro have mounted as Greece teeters perilouslyclose to defaulting on its debt.
Yet history has its own currency in Europe, which even a common currency has yet toovercome. Back in March, officials in Paris wrote a letter to the European authorities insistingthat the Battle of Waterloo, which took place on June 18, 1815, and altered the shape ofEuropean history, had a deep and damaging resonance in the collective Frenchconsciousness.
France protested Belgium’s plans for its original coin by saying that basking in France’s defeatthreatened to undermine European unity, troubled enough already. The 2 coin, it said, couldspur an “unfavorable reaction in France. In Belgium, the victory embodied in the 2.50 coin isbeing lauded as if the tiny country had itself triumphed on the battlefield.
“Belgium creativity at its best! Jean-Yves Jault, the Brussels-based head of corporatecommunications for Toyota Europe, boasted on Twitter.
丰田欧洲(Toyota Europe)驻布鲁塞尔的企业公关部门负责人让-伊夫·若(Jean-Yves Jault)在Twitter上夸赞,“这是比利时最好的创意!
Nevertheless, the move has inspired no little annoyance in France. An article on the website ofBfmtv, the French broadcaster, noted that 200 years later, the defeat of Napoleon was “stillhard to swallow.
The article asked whether France was a “poor loser, even as it stressed that the 2.50 coinwould not be legal tender outside of Belgium, where it is to be sold in plastic bags at a cost of6.
In Britain, where the 19th-century poet laureate Robert Southey called the Battle of Waterloo“the greatest deliverance that civilized society has experienced since Charles Martel repelled anIslamic conquest of Europe in 732, the new 2.50 coin aroused similar adulation.
19世纪的英国桂冠诗人罗伯特·骚塞(Robert Southey)称,滑铁卢战役是自查尔斯·马特尔(Charles Martel)于公元732年击退攻取欧洲的伊斯兰大军以来,“文明社会经历的最伟大的解救。这款新的2.5欧元硬币引发了类似的吹捧。
“Well done Belgium beat the French at their own game of finding ways around EU rules, theEnglish should take note!! Michael Dunn, from Stratford-upon-Avon, wrote on Twitter.
来自英格兰埃文河畔斯特拉福德镇的迈克尔·邓恩(Michael Dunn)在Twitter上写道,“干得漂亮。比利时用法国惯用的想方设法绕过欧盟规定的把戏击败了法国,英国人该好好看看!!
Others were less impressed. On Facebook, Manuel Di Pietrantonio suggested that the value ofthe dispute was about 2.50.
其他一些人则没有这么强烈的感觉。曼纽尔·迪彼得兰托尼奥(Manuel Di Pietrantonio)在Facebook上表示,这场争端就值2.5欧元。
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