The center of the virtual world, economically andculturally, may still be the United States, but thework of creating that world leaves a real and growingfootprint overseas. American technology giants haveestablished data centers in about two dozencountries, and electronics manufacturers draw onmaterials fraught with ethical and environmentalconcerns. Those include the so-called conflictminerals — tin, tantalum and tungsten (and alsogold) — as well as rare earth metals that areavailable almost exclusively from China. At thesame time, the rapid cycle of obsolescence and replacement that feeds the expansion alsoproduces a lot of garbage — nearly 42 million metric tons of toxic e-waste in 2014, less than asixth of which made it into the regulated recycling stream, with much of the rest being brokendown by workers at dumps throughout the developing world. Following are a few scenes fromthe digital life cycle.
Guiyu, China: The largest informal e-waste disposal site in China is here. Workers earn about$1.50 per day extracting materials that can be resold from circuit boards, sometimes by burningor leaching away potentially toxic components.
Accra, Ghana: Agbogbloshie, a suburb of Accra, is one of the most polluted e-waste dumps inthe world. Recently, automated wire-stripping units were installed here to help workers extractcopper wire without burning the plastic coating.
Chhatarpur, India: In the 2000s, China cornered the market on the rare earth minerals that arecrucial components of consumer electronic and telecommunications equipment. But Indiaproduces around 2.5 percent of the world’s supply, largely here in the Orissa Sands Complex.
印度切德尔布尔:在本世纪头一个10年里,中国垄断了对于消费电子与电信设备元件十分重要的稀土市场。但是印度生产的部分占全世界总供给的2.5%,大部分源自这里——Orissa Sands Complex。
Lulea, Sweden: Facebook opened a data center here in 2013, its first outside the UnitedStates, and says it will open another nearby soon. Locating the centers in high latitudes helpsreduce the cost of cooling the servers.
Democratic Republic of Congo: Armed groups here battle over profits from gold, as well as tin,tantalum and tungsten (also known as the “three Ts) — the so-called conflict minerals thatare necessary to produce the specialized components of many electronic devices.
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China: Amazon Web Services is building a data center here,and other American companies are opening facilities in China, where the government hasinvested heavily in the development of its “cloud cities.
中国宁夏回族自治区:亚马逊云服务(Amazon Web Service)在此建立了一个数据中心。其他美国公司也正在中国设立各类设施。中国政府正加大投资,发展“云城市。
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