A former American soccer official linked to the FIFAcorruption scandal admitted that he and others onthe organization’s executive committee hadaccepted bribes for their support in the bidding tohost the 1998 and 2010 World Cups, according topapers filed in the official’s criminal case andreleased on Wednesday.
The official, Chuck Blazer, made the admission when he pleaded guilty in 2013 to charges thatincluded racketeering, wire fraud, money laundering and income tax evasion.
上述官员查克·布莱泽(Chuck Blazer)于2013年在对敲诈勒索、电信欺诈、洗钱及逃避个税等指控表示认罪时,做出了上述交代。
“Among other things, I agreed with other persons in or around 1992 to facilitate theacceptance of a bribe in conjunction with the selection of the host nation for the 1998 WorldCup, Mr. Blazer told Judge Raymond J. Dearie when he pleaded guilty in 2013.
“此外,在1992年前后,我和其他人同意帮助收受贿赂,联手操控选择1998年世界杯主办国的过程。布莱泽2013年认罪时,对雷蒙德·J·迪尔里(Raymond J. Dearie)法官表示。
Other papers filed in the case say that it was the Morocco bid committee that bribed Mr. Blazer.He also said that “I and others on the FIFA executive committee agreed to accept bribes inconjunction with the selection of South Africa as the host nation for the 2010 World Cup,and that he “and others agreed to accept bribes and kickbacks in conjunction with thebroadcast and other rights to several Gold Cups, a regional championship in which the UnitedStates competes.
该案涉及的其他文件显示,贿赂布莱泽的是摩洛哥申办委员会。布莱泽还表示,“我和国际足联执行委员会的其他官员同意接受贿赂,推选南非成为2010年世界杯主办国,而且他和“其他官员同意接受贿赂和回扣,协力掌控几届金杯赛(Gold Cups)的电视转播权及其他权利。这项赛事是一项地区性锦标赛,美国也有参加。
Facing up to 20 years in prison, Mr. Blazer became a cooperating witness, according to lawenforcement officials, though in the redacted version of the plea hearing filed Wednesday, therewere no references to Mr. Blazer’s cooperating with the government. However, law enforcementofficials said that part of Mr. Blazer’s cooperation deal included secretly recordingconversations.
There are at least two other cooperating witnesses in the FIFA case that suggest the kind ofagreement Mr. Blazer may have struck: Daryan and Daryll Warner. They are sons of JackWarner, the former president of Concacaf, the soccer governing body overseeing NorthAmerican, Central American and the Caribbean. Mr. Blazer, a friend of Mr. Warner’s, wasConcacaf’s general secretary from 1990 until 2011.
国际足联的案件至少还涉及其他两名污点证人:德里恩·沃纳(Dryan Warner)和达里尔·沃纳(DaryllWarner),他们有可能达成了与布莱泽类似的协议。这两人是前中北美和加勒比地区足联(Concacaf)主席杰克·沃纳(Jack Warner)之子,该足球管理机构负责中北美洲及加勒比地区的足球事宜。布莱泽与沃纳早有交情,在1990年至2011年间担任Concacaf的秘书长。
When each of the Warner sons pleaded guilty in 2013, the judge outlined their cooperationagreements with the government: They agreed to participate in undercover activities, handover documents, regularly meet with prosecutors, testify when requested, and not divulgetheir cooperation to anyone without the express permission of prosecutors.
In return, prosecutors said, they would file a letter at sentencing noting each defendant’scooperation and asking for a departure from sentencing guidelines. Prosecutors oftensuggest little or no prison time in return for cooperation. For Daryan Warner, prosecutors alsosaid they would suggest he receive an S-Visa, or an informant green card.
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