On Super Tuesday of the bitter 2008 Democraticprimary campaign, a group of Barack Obamasupporters riding the New York City subway noticedAudrey Gelman wearing a Hillary Rodham Clintoncampaign button on her jacket.
2008年激烈的民主党总统竞选初选日,一群贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的支持者搭乘纽约市地铁时,发现奥德丽·格尔曼(Audrey Gelman)的外衣上佩戴着希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)的竞选徽章。
They berated Ms. Gelman, then a junior staff workeron the Clinton campaign, for backing a candidatestanding in the way of the first black president. At another point, the button invited mockinginquiries at a Lower East Side cafe as to whether Ms. Gelman was a Republican.
Now a 27-year-old public relations consultant with one foot in Democratic politics and the otherin New York’s hipper-than-thou fashion, arts and music scene, Ms. Gelman is feeling moreconfident in her Clinton accessories this time around. “If you go to a party in Williamsburg orBushwick now and wear a Hillary pin, she said, “people are going to be like, ‘Right on.’
“Cool Kids for Hillary. You may be able to imagine it on a campaign button, but would any ofthem wear one? Whereas Mr. Obama’s 2008 candidacy organically prompted excitement oncollege campuses, the country’s skinny-jean citadels and celebrity hangouts, the candidateClinton seems to be trying awfully hard to be down with the in crowd.
“Say you’ll Bey on Team #Hillary2016, too read a May 15 tweet on Mrs. Clinton’s officialaccount above an article in Marie Claire (where Ms. Gelman is a contributing editor) that washeadlined “Beyoncé just publicly showed her support for Hillary Clinton’s presidentialcampaign.
《Marie Claire》(格尔曼是该杂志的特约编辑)发表了一篇文章,标题是“碧昂斯公开表示支持希拉里·克林顿竞选总统。5月15日,克林顿夫人的Twitter官方账户就这篇文章发帖说:“像碧昂斯一样,说出你也是#Hillary2016阵营的一员。
Then there’s the Brooklyn Heights campaign headquarters. “Brooklyn U.S.A. How can youbeat that? Mrs. Clinton asks in a meet-the-neighbors web video — complete with a preciousfaux-handwriting font — that captures her greeting adoring Brooklynites. (Never mind that thisis one of the borough’s more-staid neighborhoods.)
Ms. Gelman, who called the former secretary of state “a feminist icon and a cultural icon, hassought to lift Mrs. Clinton’s cultural cred. On the day Mrs. Clinton announced her candidacy,Ms. Gelman said that approving Instagram messages poured in from the singer Ciara, the starsof the raunchy millennial comedy “Broad City and her best friend and “Girls creator LenaDunham. (“My new tramp stamp, Ms. Dunham wrote under the campaign logo.)
格尔曼努力提升克林顿夫人的文化地位,称这位前国务卿是“女权主义的象征,是文化偶像。她说,克林顿夫人宣布参加竞选当天,Instagram上对她表示支持的消息大量涌现,支持者包括歌手席亚拉(Ciara)、喧闹的千禧一代喜剧《大城小妞》(Broad City)中的演员们,以及格尔曼的好友,《都市女孩》(Girls)的主创莉娜·杜汉姆(Lena Dunham,杜汉姆在克林顿夫人的竞选标志下写道,“我的后腰纹身新图案就是它)。
There have also been endorsements from Katy Perry, 50 Cent and America Ferrera, the star ofTV’s “Ugly Betty. On Thursday evening, Mrs. Clinton replied “Back at you to the singer KellyClarkson, who called herself a “fan of Hillary.
支持克林顿夫人的名人还有凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)、50 Cent,以及电视剧《丑女贝蒂》(Ugly Betty)的主演亚美莉卡·费雷拉(America Ferrera)。歌手凯莉·克拉克森(Kelly Clarkson)称自己是“希拉里的粉丝。周四晚上,克林顿夫人回复说:“我也是你的粉丝。
But in campaign appearances, Mrs. Clinton has targeted voters on the opposite side of thecool-kid spectrum. On Monday, she stood before leatherbound classics and a ceramic life-sizedog in the Mason City, Iowa, living room of Dean Genth and his husband, Gary Swenson.
但是在竞选活动中,克林顿夫人把目标锁定在跟酷小孩相对的投票人身上。周一,她站在艾奥瓦州梅森城的男同性恋爱侣迪恩·根特(Dean Genth)和加里·斯温森(Gary Swenson)的客厅里,身后是皮面装帧的经典书籍和实物大小的陶瓷狗。
“People really got to see a personable, down-to-earth, approachable Hillary Clinton that I thinka lot of people don’t realize exists, Mr. Swenson said after the event, adding that she was“really interested in what the heartland of America and what America in general is interested in.
The next day, Mrs. Clinton sat for a round-table discussion about small businesses inside aCedar Falls, Iowa, bicycle shop. With the clean-cut owner of Goldie’s Ice Cream Shoppe on herright, Mrs. Clinton put on her super-folksy accent and stated, again, “I’m running for presidentbecause everyday Americans and their families need a champion.
And yet, Mrs. Clinton would love for young trendsetters to champion her cause and toreplicate Mr. Obama’s success at converting his cultural currency among young voters intohard votes.
The campaign argues that she enjoys their widespread support, though Democratic Partyoperatives say that has more to do with the increasingly liberal positions she has taken thanany excitement about her per se.
“Obama was new, the actor Steve Buscemi said on a recent afternoon as he took a break fromfilming a scene for a television show on Mott Street. He called Mrs. Clinton “formidable and“amazing but added, “She’s been around a long time, so we can’t expect her to have the samething.
前不久的一个下午,演员史蒂夫·布谢米(Steve Buscemi)在莫特街为一部电视剧拍摄一个场景。在休息间歇,他说,“当年的奥巴马很新鲜。他说,克林顿夫人“令人敬畏、“令人惊叹,但他补充说,“她已经出现在公众面前多年,所以我们不能期望她拥有同样的新鲜感。
Mrs. Clinton has made efforts to maintain contact with cultural signposts. In 2012, she posedwith the singer Lia Ices at Roberta’s, the Bushwick pizzeria housed in a former garage that wasall the rage. That same year, she tasted viral Internet fame and liked it.
克林顿夫人努力与文化标志人物保持联系。2012年,她和歌手利娅·艾斯(Lia Ices)在布什威克的披萨店罗伯塔(Roberta’s)合影。这家披萨店位于一个修车厂旧址,曾经风靡一时。同年,她尝到了互联网名声病毒式蔓延的滋味,很是喜欢。
Stacy Lambe and a friend were at Nellie’s Sports Bar, a popular Washington gay hangout,when they got the idea of writing humorous texts under a photograph of Mrs. Clinton wearingoversize sunglasses and reading her BlackBerry. The resulting Tumblr account, “Texts FromHillary, turned into an Internet meme of a woman so ice-cold as to be cool. Mrs. Clintonembraced the image, making it her Twitter avatar.
斯塔西·兰姆(Stacy Lambe)和一个朋友在华盛顿著名的同性恋酒吧内莉体育酒吧(Nellie’s Sports Bar)产生了一个想法——在克林顿夫人戴着超大墨镜看黑莓手机短信的照片下面配上幽默的文字。由此产生了Tumblr账户“来自希拉里的短信(Texts From Hillary),它变成了一个冰冷时髦的女人的互联网米姆。克林顿夫人欣然接受这样的形象,把它用作自己的Twitter头像。
But Mr. Lambe, who now works at “Entertainment Tonight, said the meme’s momentum andexcitement over Mrs. Clinton has abated somewhat since the controversy over her personalemail accounts.
如今,兰姆在《今晚娱乐》(Entertainment Tonight)工作。他说,自从希拉里使用私人邮箱发送工作邮件引发争议之后,这个米姆的势头和兴奋度有点减弱了。
Moreover, “there was this cool-kids factor with Obama, he said, “and I definitely think Hillarydidn’t have that.
There is little doubt that young voters, who are traditionally Democrats, will prefer Mrs. Clintonover the Republican nominee. And one of the most accomplished women in American politicalhistory certainly does not care much about the opinions of people whose definingcharacteristics are the style of their Warby Parker glasses or the origins of their pour-overcoffee. But she does care a lot about becoming president.
年轻投票者一般都支持民主党。几乎可以肯定的是,他们对克林顿夫人的喜欢多于对共和党候选人。作为美国政治史上最有成就的女人之一,克林顿夫人当然不是很在乎那些以沃比·帕克(Warby Parker)墨镜款式或滴滤式咖啡原产地为个性的人的观点。但她的确很在乎当总统。
The question is then whether she can get young people excited about her candidacy. Atemperature-taking in Washington Square Park was not promising.
那么接下来的问题是,她能否让年轻人为她竞选总统而感到兴奋。在华盛顿广场公园(Washington SquarePark)进行的随机民意调查显示,她在这方面胜算不大。
“Honestly, I really haven’t seen anything, said Mckennah Spagnola, 19, a New York Universitystudent studying psychology, when asked about her peer group’s response to Mrs. Clinton.
当被问及她的同龄人对克林顿夫人参选的反应时,19岁的纽约大学心理学专业学生麦肯娜·斯帕诺拉(Mckennah Spagnola)说,“坦白地说,我真没见到同学们有什么反应。
A few feet away, the actress Anne Hathaway and her husband smiled as they watched toddlersinteracting with dogs. She politely declined to comment (a former boyfriend of hers who oncepledged $50 million to the Clinton Global Initiative pleaded guilty to fraud in 2008) and insteadadmired a circle of aspiring Broadway stars shouting voice exercises.
几英尺之外,女演员安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)和丈夫微笑地观看蹒跚学步的婴儿和狗狗们嬉戏。她礼貌地拒绝评论,转过身去钦佩地观看一群满怀抱负的百老汇明星围成一圈练声(她的一位前男友曾给克林顿全球倡议组织[Clinton Global Initiative]捐赠了5000万美元,2008年承认犯诈骗罪)。
While the musical theater set had approving things to say about Mrs. Clinton, Mariah Ramirez, 18, who was in sixth grade in the months before the 2008 presidential election, said, “It’s notcool to support Hillary. Ms. Ramirez said that while the prospect of a female president wasexciting, she supports Senator Bernie Sanders because he has said he would not accept superPAC money.
虽然音乐界对克林顿夫人有些赞美之词,但是18岁的玛丽亚·拉米雷斯(Mariah Ramirez)说,“支持希拉里显得不够酷。2008年总统大选前的几个月,她上六年级。拉米雷斯说,虽然美国可能会出现一位女总统这一点令人兴奋,但是她支持参议员伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders),因为他说自己不会接受超级政治行动委员会(简称“超级PAC)的资助。
Apathy may be preferable to some of the ambiguous messages Mrs. Clinton has triggered onthe streets around her Brooklyn headquarters, where black-and-white posters popped up inApril depicting the former first lady over the words “Secretive or “Ambitious.
That’s a far cry from the Hope posters (and subsequent ubiquitous T-shirts) made by thegraffiti artist Shepard Fairey, who said he is not going to be making another one for Mrs.Clinton.
这与涂鸦艺术家谢泼德·费尔雷(Shepard Fairey)制作的“希望(Hope)海报(以及它衍生出的随处可见的T恤)大相径庭。费尔雷说他没打算为克林顿夫人也制作一份海报。
“I was interested in Obama in 2008 because his stated positions at the time made him seem likea subversive delivery vehicle for progressive principles I believe in, Mr. Fairey wrote in anemail. “Since then, I’ve realized that the corrupt nature of the system itself, with currentcampaign finance structure and the stranglehold corporations have on government, limits thekind of candidates that will make it into the system and narrows the spectrum of what’savailable in our near non-Democracy.
Try putting that on a T-shirt.
On a recent afternoon, in front of St. Ann’s, a private school across the street from the Clintonheadquarters, Adrian Briscoe, 42, paused from chatting with the actress and Brooklyn Heightsnative Jennifer Connelly to discuss Mrs. Clinton’s decision to base her campaign nearby.
前不久的一个下午,在克林顿竞选总部对面的圣安妮私立学校(St. Ann’s)前,42岁的阿德里安·布里斯科(Adrian Briscoe)暂停与女演员詹妮弗·康奈利(Jennifer Connelly,她是布鲁克林高地本地人)交谈,谈起了克林顿夫人把竞选总部设立在这附近的决定。
“Do I seem excited? he asked. He did not.
Neither did Stewart Gerard and Jessica Mazza, who walked out of Glasserie, a trendy restaurantin Greenpoint that evening, to smoke a cigarette in front of a red retro pickup truck. Ms. Mazza, 25, an aspiring filmmaker and artist, said she wished Elizabeth Warren would get in the race.
斯图尔特·杰勒德(Stewart Gerard)和杰西卡·马扎(Jessica Mazza)也不兴奋。那天晚上,他们从绿点的时髦餐厅Glasserie出来,在一辆红色复古敞篷载货卡车前抽烟。25岁的马扎是一位有抱负的电影制作人兼艺术家。她说,她希望伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)参加竞选。
Mr. Gerard, 32, a production designer, insisted that while he was “down with Hillary, heworried that young people wouldn’t come out to vote for her, as he had seen none of theenthusiasm Mr. Obama had generated in 2008. He added with a touch of nostalgia, “I wish Icould vote for Obama for a third term.
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