Sebastian Thrun, former head of the Google X — theadvanced projects lab set up to make big bets onthe future — knows all about technological ambition.Driverless cars, high-altitude balloons providinginternet access and contact lenses that monitorblood sugar levels were all products that floweredunder his leadership.
谷歌(Google)成立先进项目实验室Google X是为了对未来进行重大的投注。该实验室前负责人塞巴斯蒂安·特伦(Sebastian Thrun)深谙什么才是科技雄心。无人驾驶汽车、提供互联网接入的高空轻气球以及监测血糖水平的隐形眼镜,都曾是他领导的研发项目。
But when it comes to the Android operating system for mobile devices, Mr Thrun says this isnot the time for Google to pursue bold new visions. With smartphone wars well advanced, hebelieves it is now all about smaller incremental advances, as Apple and Google slug it out forglobal advantage.
"You can have great visions, but change takes implementation, it takes small steps," Mr Thrunsaid last week, after watching the opening presentation at Google I/O, the group's annualtechnology showcase event. "What I saw was Android playing out, Android getting into themature phase."
在看过上周谷歌年度科技展示大会(Google I/O)的开幕演讲后,特伦说:"你可以有伟大的愿景,但改变需要执行,需要走小步……我看到的是Android正在竭尽全力,正在进入成熟阶段。"
Sameer Iyengar, a former Google employee who is now a co-founder of app maker Beautylish,questioned whether Google was being bold enough in laying out its tech vision: "The thoughtleadership is maybe absent, compared to where it was in the past," he suggested.
谷歌前员工、现为应用(app)制造商Beautylish联合创始人的萨米尔·延加(Sameer Iyengar),质疑谷歌在阐述其科技愿景方面有足够的胆略:"与过去相比,思想领导力可能相对缺乏,"他提出。
However, he credited Google with taking a lead in at least one area: machine learning — a formof artificial intelligence that the company says is being used to enhance its mobile softwareand make apps on Android work better.
Applications of AI were among the most eye-catching demonstrations at last week's event,underlining Google's aims of using its massive computing base and advanced algorithms tomake its services far more relevant and useful.
On at least one measure, Android has been a spectacular success. Conceived by Google as adefensive strategy to ensure its internet services were not locked out of mobile handsets bycompanies such as Apple or Microsoft, the software has turned into the dominant smartphoneplatform, accounting for about 80 per cent of the market worldwide.
But there is a hard slog ahead. With a disparate group of handset makers in the Androidcamp, the platform has struggled to match the more polished set of services and hardwarethat Apple has built around the iPhone, such as Apple Pay and, more recently, Watch.
但前方的路也很艰难。由于Android阵营包括形形色色的手机制造商,该平台一直难以赶上苹果围绕iPhone打造的、更为精致的服务和硬件,如Apple Pay以及最近的苹果手表(Apple Watch)。
Also, to make money, Google needs to reinforce the prominent position of its own services ata time when the open-source Android world threatens to break apart. Hardware makers,ranging from Amazon to Xiaomi, are now looking to use Android as a platform for their ownapp stores and services — displacing Google.
"They have to make sure Android doesn't just degenerate into low-end devices andfragmentation," says Al Hilwa, an analyst at IDC, the tech research firm.
科技研究公司IDC的分析师阿尔·希尔瓦(Al Hilwa)说:"他们必须确保Android不会就此沦为低端设备和割据状态。"
If that were not enough, Google has to deal with the consequences of its own, expansivevision. This has taken Android into a broad array of new markets, from "smart" homeappliances to cars. "Where Apple is always very focused on a few product categories, Googlewants to be in everything," says Jan Dawson of Jackdaw Research. "It's hard for Google to keepmaking meaningful progress across all those different domains and keep up with Apple."
如果这些还不够,谷歌还必须应对其广阔愿景带来的后果。这一愿景已将Android带入了一系列新市场,从"智能"家电到汽车。"苹果永远紧紧聚焦于几种产品类别,而谷歌什么都想涉猎,"Jackdaw Research的简·道森(Jan Dawson)表示。"谷歌很难在所有这些不同领域都不断取得有意义的进展,赶上苹果。"
Winning the hearts and minds of app developers — the focus of Google I/O last week, and therival Apple developer conference next week — has become a key part of the battle. Creating amarketplace where app developers can make money has been at the heart of Apple's formulafor encouraging them to do their best work first for its mobile devices.
赢得应用开发者的拥护和支持——上周Google I/O大会以及苹果下周的开发者大会的主要焦点——已成为这场竞争的关键部分。创建一个应用开发者能够从中赚钱的市场,一直处于苹果模式的核心,为的是鼓励他们首先尽心尽力为苹果的移动设备开发出最好的应用。
But the Android world has been catching up. For most developers, the calculation is now finelybalanced. Like many, Mr Iyengar says his app reaches far more people on Android devices but,on an individual basis, iOS customers are more profitable for his company.
Google's Play Store had been gaining ground as a source of income for developers, but themomentum in recent months turned back to Apple. Tero Kuittinen, managing director ofMagid Associates, a consultancy, and an adviser to several gaming companies, says app makerswere "taken aback" by the shift, which followed the launch of larger iPhones. However,according to at least some industry estimates, the sheer weight of numbers is finally starting toplay in Android's favour — even if Google is not the only beneficiary.
谷歌的Play Store作为开发者的收入来源一度取得进展,但最近几个月势头又转回了苹果。咨询公司MagidAssociates董事总经理、为几家博彩公司提供咨询的特罗·库伊蒂宁(Tero Kuittinen)说,这一转变是在苹果推出更大的新款iPhone之后发生的,应用制造商对这种转变"大吃一惊"。然而,至少某些行业评估显示,数量优势终于开始有利于Android——即使谷歌不是唯一的受益者。
Apple's App Store accounts for around 45 per cent of the revenue that developers make fromapps, compared to 29 per cent for Google's Play, according to Digi-Capital. But, counting in theincome from handsets in China where Google's apps are blocked — meaning it makes no money— pushes the overall Android share to 52 per cent, Digi-Capital calculates.
精品投资银行Digi-Capital的数据显示,开发者从应用获得的营收中,约45%来自苹果App Store,29%来自谷歌Play Store。但是,根据Digi-Capital的统计,若加上来自中国的手机的收入(谷歌的应用在中国遭封锁,意味着谷歌本身无钱可赚),Android的整体市场份额将升至52%。
Last week, matching and trying to surpass Apple was a strong subtext of Google's pitch todevelopers. New features included Android Pay, a rival to Apple Pay and a fresh attempt tobreak into mobile payments after the disappointment of Google Wallet.
上周,赶上并试图超越苹果是谷歌传递给开发者的强大潜台词。新的功能包括与Apple Pay竞争的AndroidPay,这是自Google Wallet令人失望之后谷歌进军移动支付领域的新尝试。
A new Google Photos app, with the promise of software that can automatically organiselibraries of pictures, also echoed capabilities that are already offered by Apple.
一款承诺可自动整理照片图库的新款谷歌照片应用Google Photos,也呼应了苹果早已提供的功能。
But in other areas, Google seemed unprepared. While smartwatches based on last year'sAndroid Wear technology have been put in the shade by the recent launch of Apple Watch,Google had little new to show off in response. This was a sign that it is surrendering earlyleadership in wearables to Apple, according to Carolina Milanesi, an analyst at KantarWorldpanel.
但在其他领域,谷歌似乎毫无准备。虽然近期Apple Watch的推出使基于去年Android Wear技术发布的智能手表相形见绌,但谷歌没有任何新技术作为回应。Kantar Worldpanel分析师卡罗琳娜·米拉内西(CarolinaMilanesi)表示,这标志着谷歌正向苹果让出可穿戴设备领域的早期领先地位。
Yet some of the latest attempts to extend the Android universe clearly play to Google'sstrengths. Its new photos app, for instance, offers free storage for an unlimited number ofpictures, echoing the launch of Gmail, the company's free email service, in 2004, although thecost of storage has fallen greatly since then and has become less of a competitivedifferentiator.
Sucking in large volumes of photos also presents a new opportunity for Google to add to itsalready substantial mass of data about users. Company executives say they have not madeplans to scan the pictures for advertising purposes but make no secret of the fact that aperson's photo library comprises a highly valuable source of information about them.
Meanwhile, to improve the experience of using Android handsets in emerging markets, wherelow-end hardware and unreliable networks often hamper performance, Google hasannounced new ways of using its services offline. These included the ability to view maps anddirections while not connected.
They all represent attempts by Google to shift more of the value to its own services rather thanembed it in the Android open-source software, says Mr Hilwa — a way to ensure that Googleremains at the centre of the Android universe.
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