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发布时间:2015-06-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The travails of Hong Kong-listed Kaisa, which sorecently seemed resolved, have been prolonged oncemore.


Yesterday, sector peer and anticipated whiteknight Sunac announced it would ride away fromits deal to buy out the majority shareholder in theShenzhen property developer. All is not lost,however.




Kaisa’s chairman and seller in the cancelled transaction, Kwok Ying Shing, will take back hisshares. He returned last month from a — substantially unexplained — 15-week absence. Theoriginal deal will be cancelled and Sunac’s prepayment to Mr Kwok returned. Business inShenzhen, where the company’s projects had been suspended, is back to normal, just as thatmarket is showing signs of a pick-up in property prices and sales volumes. The whole episodeseems no worse than a bad dream.

郭英成(Kwok Ying Shing)是佳兆业的董事长,也是被取消交易中的卖方,他将收回自己的股份。郭英成在从公众视线中消失15个星期(基本上没有解释原因)之后,于上月回归。当初的协议将被取消,融创预先支付给郭英成的交易款将被退回。之前佳兆业的项目在深圳被叫停。就在市场有迹象表明房价和销量回升之际,佳兆业在深圳的业务也在恢复正常。整起事件看起来似乎只不过是一场噩梦。

Perhaps, for China-based actors in the drama. For holders of Kaisa’s roughly $2bn in defaultedoffshore bonds, the latest twist prolongs the nightmare. The workout deal for the debt is,again, off the table. The notes trade around 60 cents on the dollar; no new deal has yet beenannounced.


The company’s equity may look like a bargain as the property sector starts to turn.Suspended for the sixth time in as many months, the shares have missed out as peers haverallied hard. Kaisa trades at 0.35 times historical book value; sector leaders trade on multiplesas high as 2.1. So interest has been trickling down to smaller companies, few of which nowlook as cheap as Kaisa. The return of a majority shareholder whose interest ostensibly lies inrebuilding the company’s fortunes could be taken positively.


But do not be fooled. Outside observers who can only speculate as to why the debacle began— and why the Sunac deal collapsed — can have no means of knowing if the company’stroubles are over. Mr Kwok was in the hot seat when the problems first hit. His return may notlead to salvation.



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