The US military has carried out its threat to fly overcontested islands in the South China Sea, in adramatic escalation of tensions over the Chinesegovernment’s land reclamation in the area.
美国践行了此前的威胁,飞越了南中国海(South ChinaSea)有争议岛屿的上空,令该地区围绕中国政府领土诉求的紧张局势急剧升温。
A US Navy surveillance jet was warned to turn away by the Chinese navy as it approached FieryCross Reef, according to a CNN team that was invited aboard the flight. “This is the Chinesenavy, the English-language transmission said, according to an account by CNN on Thursdaymorning. “Please go away . . . to avoid misunderstanding.
美国有线资讯网(CNN)一个团队受邀登上了一架美国海军的监控巡逻飞机。根据该团队的说法,这架飞机曾在接近永暑礁(Fiery Cross Reef)时,收到中国海军要求该飞机转向的警告。周四早上,按照CNN一个账号的说法,当时飞机收到的英语广播表示:“这里是中国海军。请立刻返航……以避免误判。
The P8-A Poseidon aircraft passed over the reef, where Chinese construction teams arebuilding an airfield and other installations, at about 15,000 feet on Wednesday afternoon.
根据CNN的报道,周三下午,这架P-8A海神反潜机(P-8A Poseidon)在大约1.5万英尺的高度飞过永暑礁上空。在永暑礁,中国的建筑团队正在修建一座机场以及其他设施。
US officials had previously warned they were considering air and navy patrols within the 12nautical mile territorial limit of islets and reefs on which China has been building newinfrastructure.
A US naval officer aboard the P8-A told CNN that “we see this every day as the aircraft flewabove Chinese dredgers, suggesting Wednesday’s overflight was not the first.
But John Kerry, US secretary of state, dodged the issue during a press conference with hisChinese counterpart on May 16. At the same briefing, Chinese foreign minister Wang Yiwarned that “China’s determination to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity isas firm as a rock.
不过,在5月16日和中国外长共同召开的记者招待会上,美国国务卿约翰•克里(John Kerry)回避了这个问题。当时,中国外长王毅曾警告说“中方维护自身主权、领土完整的意志坚如磐石,不容质疑。
Mr Wang also emphasised that Beijing was committed to a peaceful resolution of itsterritorial disputes, principally with the Philippines and Vietnam, in the area and sharedWashington’s commitment to freedom of navigation.
The Chinese government maintains that its “island-building activities are within the scope of itssovereignty, and says it is merely catching up with rivals that have also built airfields andother infrastructure on islets and reefs under their control.
“This is China’s reaction to provocative actions by other parties, said Jin Canrong, aninternational relations expert at Beijing’s Renmin University. “We have simply repeated whateverybody else was already doing.
北京的中国人民大学(Renmin University)的国际关系专家金灿荣表示:“这是中国对其他方面挑衅行为的回应。我们只是重复了所有人已经在做的事。
US spy planes also routinely patrol China’s coast, where they are often tailed by jet fightersfrom the People’s Liberation Army Air Force. The Pentagon released a video of what it called adangerous PLA intercept in August, which evoked memories of an April 2001 collision betweena US spy plane and Chinese jet fighter near Hainan island.
The Chinese pilot died in that incident and the US air crew were held for two weeks after theirdamaged aircraft made an emergency landing on Hainan.
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