Leisure travelers have become used to controllingevery step of a trip, from booking a flight or a car tomaking dinner reservations. Business travelers, lessso; there has always been some corporate beancounter looking over their shoulders.
But that is changing as business travel picks up andthe overseers of company budgets permit the digitalempowerment of traveling employees and tentativelyembrace the sharing economy.
Travel managers are calling this the age of traveler centricity, and apps from Uber, the ride-hailing service, and similar innovations are increasingly part of it. In the next few years, ifcompany policies can keep up, the new era of personalized travel could lead to a host of newso-called intelligent services, delivered through apps and smartphones, that will automaticallyassist business travelers based on their profiles and preferences, potentially making what istypically a grind through traffic, airports and tight itineraries less stressful and moreproductive.
“There is a shift away from the command-and-control perspectives of the past, said GreeleyKoch, executive director of the Association of Corporate Travel Executives. “The focus now ismore on the traveler and the productivity of each trip, so that travelers can have the greatestreturn on investment on each trip.
“现在情况发生了转变,不再是过去那种命令与控制的模式,公司旅行管理协会(Association of CorporateTravel Executives)的执行主任格里利·科克(Greeley Koch)说,“目前人们更关注旅行者本身,以及每次旅行的效率,让旅行者能在每次旅行中获得最大的投资回报。
The environment is much changed from that of a few years ago, after the Great Recessionfroze much of business travel. Since then, a revolution in mobile technology has taken firmhold. The business travel market seems ripe for the kind of disruption that has transformedretailing, entertainment and other areas, offering technological solutions to makecumbersome transactions more intuitive and seamless.
But while most business travelers have a smartphone and, according to a study by Expedia, 78percent of them have used it in some travel-planning capacity, corporations still make it hardfor their traveling employees to use current technology and integrate their own travelmanagement tools with company programs. In part, this is a result of travel managers’reluctance to give employees too much control over purchasing decisions, fearing that doingso will erode cost controls.
“There is a general dissatisfaction with the corporate travel technology, said Mark Hollyhead,the senior vice president for Egencia Americas, a travel management company owned byExpedia. “In the 10 to 15 years the Internet has grown, travel management has been driven bycorporations. Compliance and reporting have been the bedrock of these policies.
“人们普遍对公司的旅行技术感到不满,旅行管理公司易信达(Egencia Americas)的高级副总裁马克·霍利海德(Mark Hollyhead)说。该公司隶属于便利旅游公司。“在互联网发展的10至15年里,旅行管理由公司驱动。服从和汇报一直是公司旅行政策的基础。
Only one in four companies had a policy governing mobile devices as they related to employeetravel, according to research by the travel distribution service Travelport and the Associationof Corporate Travel Executives. But some are beginning to recognize the need for greaterflexibility. They are acknowledging that their employees who travel on business are behavingthe way they do on their leisure trips — looking for information online and gaining insights froma variety of sources.
They also recognize that a new generation of young employees and managers who grew up ina digital age are moving up the ranks, and they are used to dealing with technology moredirectly on handsets.
Travel policies traditionally focus on rules, enforcement and compliance. They typically run 50or 60 pages and are written to deter a minority of travelers from doing the wrong thing ratherthan to encourage the majority who are doing the right thing, Mr. Koch said.
“These policies were all-encompassing, from how you travel to who took care of your dog inyour absence, he said. “But people realized that when you have 60-page documents, no oneknows what the policy contains anymore.
Now, with the emphasis shifting toward flexibility, policies are getting shorter. At the sametime, companies are also loosening travel budgets after the relative austerity that accompaniedthe recession. With the economy growing and fuel prices low, the Global Business TravelAssociation expects total United States business travel spending to grow by 3 percent this yearto about $300 billion, and by 6 percent in 2016.
如今,旅行政策变得越来越灵活,政策文件也越来越短。与此同时,在经济衰退时期的相对紧缩之后,公司也放松了对旅行成本的控制。随着经济发展,油价降低,全球商务旅行协会(Global Business TravelAssociation)预计,今年美国的总商旅费可能会增长3%,达3000亿美元,2016年会增长6%。
As a side benefit in this environment, corporations now have the opportunity to use travelpolicies to attract new employees — for example, by offering them the ability to travel inbusiness class during longer trips or on international flights. “The talent war is back, saidCaroline Strachan, a vice president at American Express Global Business Travel. “If companiesare starting to be challenged in finding new talent, then a shift in policy is a good thing.
这种经济环境的一个附带益处是,现在公司有机会用旅行政策来吸引新雇员——比如,允许他们在长途旅行时或在国际航班上乘坐公务舱。“人才争夺战又开始了,美国运通全球商务旅行部(American Express GlobalBusiness Travel)副总裁卡罗琳·斯特拉汉(Caroline Strachan)说,“如果公司在寻找新人才方面出现困难,那么改变政策是个好办法。
“What has been really interesting, in the past couple of months, is seeing a shift where clientsare understanding that their business travel policies are also an acquisition tool for talent, shesaid, particularly for younger employees and among tech firms. In the changed economicclimate, many companies are moving their travel departments away from finance orprocurement and into human resources.
Norm Rose, the president of Travel Tech Consulting, said travelers were the big winners astechnology moved faster than corporate policies.
旅行技术咨询公司(Travel Tech Consulting)总裁诺姆·罗斯(Norm Rose)说,技术发展快于公司政策改变这种局势让商旅者成为大赢家。
“When you talk about mobile technology, what you’re really talking about is empowerment, Mr.Rose said. “We are in an environment where the very fact that mobile technology is holding sostrongly has shifted the balance of power toward travelers. For managed business, that’s agrowing challenge.
Continuing innovation in mobile technology offers the prospect of a future in which interactivesoftware will automatically be able to guide travelers through their journey, helping scheduleand coordinate flights, hotels and rental cars.
“The more intelligence there is, the more behind-the-scenes activity can happen if there is adisruption or a change in flight, Mr. Rose said. “This should make it easier for travelers. By2020, we should begin to see the impact of this.
Airlines and airports are already relying on sensors in airports to track the flow of passengersand identify bottlenecks in traffic between the curb and the gate. And they alert passengerseither through text messages or emails if a flight is delayed.
But technology in the future will allow them to see travelers’ positions — through the GPSdevice on their phones — to track their movements. If a passenger is late for a flight, forinstance, an airline might decide to rebook the passenger on the next flight automatically. Thecar rental service or taxi service would know of the delay, and the hotel might be notified of alate arrival — all seamlessly.
“Today, this stuff is very manual and only happens primarily with the top executives of acompany, who have someone who monitors their travel and takes care of them, Mr. Koch said. “But in the future, that will all be linked together. All these things will trickle down and happen.
What is missing, however, is for a tech innovator like Apple or Google to come up with softwareand technology that integrate all the disparate flows of information that are collected andmake them work together.
“This is kind of the holy grail, Mr. Koch said. “We have all this power in our smartphones, butall the individual apps are not talking to each other yet.
For now, there are more prosaic apps. Airlines have long sought to develop more directrelationships with business travelers. Through their mobile travel apps, they can already offermore personal service and provide easy check-in options and electronic boarding passes topassengers.
Going one step further, these apps also let passengers quickly find new options if their flightsare canceled or delayed. And they also serve as a retail platform for airlines to offer otherservices, upgrades, car rentals or hotels.
One of the consequences of this new technological ecosystem is a fragmentation of the travelmarket. In practical terms this means travelers need dozens of different apps to manage theirtrips — airlines, hotels, rental cars and travel groups all have their own apps for smartphones,and all seek to create unique relationships with travelers that are generally invisible tocorporate travel managers.
Dealing with this growing complexity is fast turning into a major concern facing travelmanagers, according to Ms. Strachan of American Express.
Still, travel managers see many benefits to this new technological environment. The ubiquity ofsmartphones, for example, is improving a company’s duty of care, a term that refers to itslegal obligation to ensure the well-being of its traveling employees. It is now easier to trackpeople on the road and ensure their safety.
不过,旅行经理们也看到了这种新技术环境的很多好处。例如,智能手机的普遍存在有利于公司履行关照义务(duty of care),它指的是公司确保商旅员工安全的法律义务。现在,追踪旅途中的员工、确保他们的安全变得更容易了。
“It’s gone beyond efficiency. It’s really about effectiveness, said Eric Bailey, the corporatetravel manager at Microsoft, who oversees about 5,000 traveling employees. “It’s not justabout cost. It’s also about risk and liability reduction.
“它不仅有效率,而且确实有效果,微软公司(Microsoft)的旅行经理埃里克·贝利(Eric Bailey)说。他负责监管约5000名商旅员工。“它不仅能降低成本,还能减少风险和责任。
Travel managers and business experts all acknowledge that these trends raise concerns abouttraveler privacy.
“If you’re a business traveler, are you entirely comfortable giving up some privacy in return forbetter convenience and ease of travel? said Michael W. McCormick, the executive director ofthe Global Business Travel Association.
“如果你是商务旅行者,你是否非常乐意放弃部分隐私,以获得旅行的便利和舒适?全球商务旅行协会的执行主任迈克尔·W·麦考密克(Michael W. McCormick)说。
“If you are provided with a company device, the expectation is that you will leave it turnedon, Mr. Koch said. “But the concern is, what if you are going out for dinner or on a date orwhatever? Where is the limit? That is being debated currently.
“People have no problem posting pictures of themselves on Facebook, he said. “But there isalways a level of concern that they don’t want their companies to know where they are.
About 75 percent of travel and expense budgets, including airfare and hotels, fall under somekind of managed budget. The rest, such as ground transportation, food, fuel and otherincidentals, is generally outside what corporations can control. That’s a sector ripe fortechnological change, said Mr. Bailey of Microsoft.
The best example of this is Uber, the ride-hailing service that has fast become the choice forbusiness travelers, in the United States and abroad. Uber’s ease of use and technology havechanged expectations about ground transportation during business trips, which had long beena major challenge for travelers.
The transformation has been swift. According to one estimate by Certify, an expensemanagement company, Uber has nearly overtaken taxis in major American cities in terms ofexpensed business travel. Uber rides accounted for 47 percent of all expensed rides as of thisMarch, up from just 14 percent in January 2014.
The share spent on taxis, limousines and hotel shuttles dropped to 52 percent, from 86percent, in the same period. Lyft, a rival service, accounted for 1 percent of groundtransportation expenses.
“It’s exciting — and somewhat shocking — to see their growth and how they’ve capturedcorporate spend, said Bob Neveu, chief executive of Certify, of services like Uber and Lyft. “They have solved the whole ground transportation piece.
The rise of the sharing economy presents a new challenge to corporate managers. It raisesnew questions about liability — Uber cars, for instance, do not always meet all local licensingand insurance requirements. Similar questions, too, are being raised by other services likeAirbnb, the online home rental service.
“This is one of the big battles in the industry around these services, and what insurance orliability questions arise, Mr. McCormick said. “Who is liable if something goes wrong?
“We talk about this like this is new, but the fundamentals are still the same, he added. “Everybody wants to be effective, everyone wants to get business done, and everybody wantsto get home safely.
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