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发布时间:2015-05-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

In case you haven’t heard, Ireland passed a historic referendum Friday. For the first time, same-sex marriage legalization was voted on by the people (they voted “Yes btw). Here are some of the best celeb reactions to the news.




Hozier: The pure joy of it. I'm so proud of Irelandtoday... We can all take pride in making history. Only sorry I can't be there to celebrate!

爱尔兰灵魂歌手霍齐尔(Hozier): “开心极了,爱尔兰我为你自豪... 创造历史就是创造荣耀,可惜我不能到场庆祝。

J.K. Rowling: Sitting here watching the Irish make history. Extraordinary and wonderful.

英国作家J.K.罗琳(J.K. Rowling): “坐等见证爱尔兰人创造历史,简直棒极了!

Zach Braff: Ireland, if this is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

美国明星扎克•布拉夫(Zach Braff): “爱尔兰同胞们!如果这是错误的决定,那我宁愿一错到底!

Ricky Martin: #Ireland says YES to marriage equality making it the first country to pass the freedom to marry by popular vote! #Love Always Wins

波多黎各裔巨星瑞奇•马丁(Ricky Martin): “爱尔兰成为首个通过公投实现婚姻平等自由的国家,真爱无敌。“

Sam Smith: So happy Ireland have passed the law to get married there. Still genuinely shocks me thou, that this is only just happening!!

英国歌手萨姆•史密斯(Sam Smith): “真高兴爱尔兰公投通过了。不过我还是惊呆了,这一切竟然是真的!!

Ellen DeGeneres: Ireland did it! The 1st country to legalize marriage equality by popular vote, but they won't be the last! What an incredible accomplishment

美国脱口秀主持人艾伦•德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres): “爱尔兰做到了!成为第一个通过公投使同性婚姻合法的国家。相信未来会有更多国家效仿,他们真了不起!

Olivia Wilde: Go Ireland go! Show the world how to lead with love. So proud to be Irish today.

美国女演员奥利维亚•维尔德(Olivia Wilde): “爱尔兰加油!你让世界看到了爱的力量!身为爱尔兰人我倍感骄傲。

Kathy Griffin: As an Irish-American woman who spread her father's ashes in #Ireland, I couldn't be prouder today!

美国女演员凯西•格里芬(Kathy Griffin): “ 我是身在美国的爱尔兰人,我曾将父亲的骨灰撒在爱尔兰的土地,为今天的爱尔兰感到无比骄傲!

Russell Crowe: Dear Ireland, you are even more amazing.

好莱坞男影星罗素•克洛(Russell Crowe): “亲爱的爱尔兰,你越来越了不起。

Jesse Tyler Ferguson: I'm staunchly against leaving civil rights up to a popular vote but I'm thrilled the populous Ireland seems to embrace #Marriage Eqaulity!

美国演员杰西•泰勒•弗格森(Jesse Tyler Ferguson ): “让公投来左右民权我是坚决反对的,但爱尔兰民众如此渴望婚姻平等真是让我振奋!

Stephen Fry: The Irish people spoke. And the words they spoke were Respect, Dignity and, loudest of all, Love. The sanctity of marriage has been upheld.

英国演员史蒂芬•弗莱(Stephen Fry): “爱尔兰人民表达了他们的意见,他们表达的是尊重、尊严还有最重要的,爱。婚姻的神圣得以坚持。

Alan Cumming: Omfg!Ireland! Have you done it? Is it really a YES?

美国演员艾伦•卡明(Alan Cumming): “我滴个神啊!爱尔兰!你来真的?公投真的通过了?

Josh Jackson: Proud of my #irish heritage every day. But to today it is particularly strong #Equality For All

加拿大演员乔什•杰克逊(Josh Jackson): “一直以我大爱尔兰为荣,但今天的荣耀感特别强!平等至上!

Seth MacFarlane: Congratulations to Ireland for legalizing same-sex marriage on a national level! Come on U.S., let's catch up to the future.

美国制片人塞思•麦克法兰(Seth MacFarlane): “恭喜爱尔兰同性婚姻合法化!美国,加油,让我们也赶上这个潮流。

Hillary Clinton: Well done, Ireland. -H

美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton): “爱尔兰干得漂亮!


staunchly: 坚定地

sanctity: 神圣性


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