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发布时间:2015-05-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

America’s opposition to China’s creation of an AsianInfrastructure Investment Bank is degenerating intoa self-defeating farce. Having failed to preventwestern allies from joining the fledgling bank,Washington has been left scowling on the sidelines.The Obama administration’s handling of the issuehas been embarrassing — and it may hold ominousportents for Asia and the rest of the world.

美国反对中国创建亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructure Investment Bank,简称亚投行)的做法,正在弄巧成拙,沦为一出自己打败自己的闹剧。在未能阻止西方盟国加入这家新银行之后,华盛顿被晾在一边独自郁闷。奥巴马政府对这个问题的处理令人尴尬——这对亚洲乃至世界其他地区可能是不祥的征兆。



This week, 57 prospective members assembled in Singapore to devise the rules of the newBeijing-sponsored development institution. Among those attending are US allies such as theUK, France, Germany and South Korea. Aside from Washington, only Canada and Japan havestayed away.


Since 1945, the US has played a hegemonic role in the world’s financial system, propped by themight of the dollar and the lapidary heft of the Bretton Woods institutions: the World Bank andIMF. Top dogs rarely welcome a pushy rival. Surrendering the role of primus inter pares ishard.

自1945年以来,美国以美元的威力和布雷顿森林机构——世界银行(World Bank)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)——的重量级地位为依托,一直在世界金融体系中扮演霸权角色。做老大的很少欢迎爱出风头的对手。放弃掌门人角色是很难的。

But Washington’s principled reasons for opposing the bank do not stack up. True, China’sbilateral lending practices have hardly underpinned its claim to good governance. But it ispremature to dismiss the AIIB as Beijing mercantilism writ large.


China is keen to show that it can host a respectable multilateral institution. It has beencareful not to politicise the bank. It has put Jin Liqun, an international bureaucrat withexperience of the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), at its head. His brief hasbeen to apply globally accepted principles of governance.

中国渴望证明,它能够主持一家受尊敬的多边机构。迄今中国小心翼翼地不让亚投行政治化。它已任命在世行和亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank,简称亚行)有工作经验的国际官员金立群执掌该行。他过去的使命就是实行全球公认的治理原则。

Convincing doubters that the AIIB is not a vehicle for brute Chinese power was never going tobe quick or easy. But Mr Jin’s early steps give some confidence. He has for instance recruitedwidely: roughly half the nascent institution’s employees so far are non-Chinese. And whileAIIB has yet to settle upon a final governance structure, Beijing seems willing to giveoversight to its other members.


China is understood to favour a 75 per cent-25 per cent voting split between Asian and non-Asian members (with allocations made according to gross domestic product). On the basis ofthe current membership roll, that would give Beijing about 43 per cent of the votes, accordingto analysis by Benn Steil and Dinah Walker at the Council for Foreign Relations.

据信中国支持在亚洲和非亚洲成员国之间按照75%/25%的比例安排表决权(然后按照GDP规模进行分配)。根据美国外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations)的本•斯泰尔(Benn Steil)和黛娜•沃克(DinahWalker)所作的分析,按照目前的成员国名册,这将给予北京大约43%的投票权重。

There are reports that China has forsworn its veto power. If this is the case, then it would bemore democratic than the approach taken by the US, which retains a final say at both the IMFand World Bank despite having less than 20 per cent of the votes.


The Obama administration’s reflexive hostility to the establishment of the AIIB risks givingthe impression that the US is less interested in Asian development than in restraining Beijing.The US would be unwise to give China further excuses to claim that it is bent oncontainment.


Washington’s stance has relevance to its Asian allies, particularly Japan. Tokyo is understoodto be considering joining the AIIB, even though it is already the leading power in the ADB.Rather than leaning on Japan to stay out, the US should realise that the presence of its alliesin the AIIB would give its allies a much bigger say in the bank and dilute Chinese voting power.


Far from being a point of contention, the AIIB’s establishment could still turn out to be anexample of how China can reinforce the principles that underpin multilateralism in the west.The US has played a poor hand in regard to the AIIB and its allies. The best course would be toacknowledge the mistake and be present at the creation.



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