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发布时间:2015-05-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

An appeals court on Monday upheld the bulk ofApple’s patent victory against Samsung Electronicsin 2012, but overturned part of the decision andsaid that a lower court should reduce the totalamount that Samsung would have to pay.

本周一,一家上诉法院维持了苹果(Apple)2012年在三星电子(Samsung Electronics)专利侵权案中获得的大部分胜诉裁决,但推翻了其中一部分。它表示,一家下级法院应该减少三星必须支付的赔偿总金额。

The United States Court of Appeals for the FederalCircuit, which deals with patent lawsuit appeals,said that the overall aesthetic of the iPhone — a rectangular product with rounded corners,black borders and a flat, clear surface — could not be protected and part of the damages wouldhave to be recalculated.

美国联邦巡回上诉法院(United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit)处理涉及专利诉讼的上诉,它表示,iPhone的整体美学造型——长方形的产品、圆角、黑色边框、平整的表面——不能受到保护,苹果的部分损失必须重新计算。



Apple had accused Samsung of diluting its brand by copying the overall look of its iPhones.But the court said Apple failed to prove that the iPhone aesthetic was not “functional. Inother words, giving Apple protection for the overall look and shape of a smartphone wouldessentially grant it a perpetual monopoly over making smartphones work better, and thethree-judge panel decided not to go in that direction.


“We therefore vacate the jury’s damages awards against the Samsung products that werefound liable for trade dress dilution and remand for further proceedings consistent with thisopinion, the appeals court wrote in its decision.


Josh Rosenstock, an Apple spokesman, lauded the decision as having “confirmed Samsungblatantly copied Apple products.

苹果发言人乔希·罗森斯托克(Josh Rosenstock)称赞这个决定“证明三星明目张胆地抄袭了苹果的产品。

“This is a victory for design and those who respect it, he said.


Samsung did not have a comment.


In 2012, a jury unanimously decided that Samsung had violated a series of Apple patents andneeded to pay more than $1 billion in damages, an amount that was recalculated to $930 millionby another jury in a separate trial in 2013. The lawsuit was prominent, pitting two of theworld’s top smartphone makers against each other.


The two companies have gone on to duel in other legal entanglements, before callingsomething of a truce. Last year, in a separate case, a federal jury found that Apple andSamsung had infringed on each other’s patents in some mobile devices and awarded most ofthe damages to Apple. In August, however, the companies said they agreed to drop suitsagainst each other outside the United States.


Separately on Monday, Carl C. Icahn, the activist investor, published an open letter to Apple. Inthe 2,200-word letter, he said Apple’s shares were still “dramatically undervalued, and urgedTimothy D. Cook, the chief executive, to buy back more of Apple’s stock because the companywas sitting on too much cash.

另外,在本周一,激进投资者卡尔·C·伊坎(Carl C. Icahn)向苹果发出了一封2200字的公开信。他在信中说苹果公司的股价依然“被严重低估,并敦促苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)回购更多苹果的股票,因为该公司目前坐拥太多现金。


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