HSBC has become one of the biggest global banksto say that it will begin charging clients on depositsin a basket of European currencies.
The decision underlies the extraordinary measuresbanks are taking to prevent their profit marginsbeing crushed in the record low-interest rateenvironment.
HSBC has written to other banks to warn that it will start charging them for deposits in euros,Swiss francs, Danish krone and Swedish krona — all currencies of countries that have negativeinterest rates — at its UK, German and Hong Kong operations from this summer. It is the firstUK bank to introduce such charges after similar announcements from Swiss, German and Nordicinstitutions. “HSBC charges banks for deposits they hold with us in currencies where negativeinterest rates apply, the UK lender said. “Banks affected have been notified and we continueto monitor the situation.
The unusual steps come after the European Central Bank last year became the first big centralbank to announce a negative deposit rate, in effect a penalty on banks parking their surpluscash.
Central banks in Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland have also imposed negative policy rates ofbetween minus 0.25 per cent and minus 0.75 per cent as they battle deflation and currencypressures.
HSBC this week wrote to the banks that will be affected and will introduce the negativeinterest rates on August 1.
It will not affect the deposits of individual or corporate customers. German, Swiss, Danish andSwedish banks have been at pains to avoid subjecting the general public or small businesses tofees for depositing cash, preferring to impose levies only on the biggest corporate andinstitutional customers.
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