Hillary Clinton has urged the state department toquickly release emails she sent from a personalaccount during her tenure as US secretary of state,as she struggles to maintain control of thenarrative surrounding her second campaign for thepresidency.
希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)已敦促美国国务院尽快发布她担任美国务卿期间从私人账号发出的电子邮件。正处于第二次总统选战中的希拉里正艰难应对公众舆论。
At an event in Iowa on Tuesday, Mrs Clinton calledon the department to “expedite the release of themessages, the existence of which sparked a controversy that continues to dog the Democraticfrontrunner on the campaign trail.
“I have said repeatedly I want those emails out, Mrs Clinton said in a brief impromptu pressconference. “Nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than I do. I want theAmerican people to learn as much as we can about the work that I did.
A federal judge earlier on Tuesday instructed the state department to release the messages ona rolling basis, rather than in one lump early next year as the department had proposed, inresponse to a lawsuit filed by a member of the media.
Mrs Clinton is failing to draw much attention on the issues she says she wants to prioritise, asheadlines continue to focus on donations to the Clintons’ family foundation and their personalwealth.
On Friday forms filed with the Federal Election Committee revealed that Mrs Clinton and herhusband, former president Bill Clinton, had earned more than $25m in speaking fees since2014.
周五,联邦选举委员会(Federal Election Commission)提交的文件披露,2014年以来,希拉里和她的丈夫、美国前总统比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)通过演说赚得逾2500万美元。
There have also been fresh questions over her ties to longtime former adviser SidneyBlumenthal.
此外,围绕希拉里与曾长期担任其顾问的西德尼•布卢门撒尔(Sidney Blumenthal)之间的关系,还出现了新的质疑。
In Iowa, Mrs Clinton had been hoping to use a roundtable in Cedar Falls to focus on heragenda for helping small businesses, including reducing red tape, simplifying the tax processand reducing the regulatory burden on community banks that fuel much of the lending to localentrepreneurs.
在爱荷华州的竞选途中,希拉里希望通过在雪松瀑布(Cedar Falls)的一次座谈会,将人们的注意力集中在她扶助小型企业的议程上。这些议程包括减少繁文缛节、简化税务流程、以及降低社区银行的监管门槛——这些社区银行的多数贷款都发放给了当地企业。
However, none of the five questions she was asked related to small business.
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