From this September, students at China's Tsinghua University will be graded by an A-through-to-F scale instead of the traditional out of hundred mark system.
“百分制可以用英文hundred mark system 表示,就是满分为100分的考试,60分为合格。国外知名大学普遍采用A至F等级制(A-through-to-F scale),用字母等级评分。
清华大学采用新的评价体系目的是为了改善学生学习新知识的动机(motivation for learning new knowledge),激发学生的创造力(inspire students' creativity)。使用A至F等级制,意味着即使分数不同可能会得到相同的等级或平均学分绩点(Grade Point Average,GPA),可以让学生将关注重点从考试结果转至课程内容(change their focus from the examination result to the substance of the courses)。
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