By applying the electricity at different voltages to gold-painted onion skin, the material moved like a real muscle.
Scientists say that artificial muscles for robots can be made by covering onions in gold.
The humble vegetable's skin can stretch and flex like real tissue which previous artificial muscles have been unable to emulate.
By coating the skin in a film of gold, scientists can then apply an electrical current to it using special equipment to make it expand and contract.
In the tests, scientists took a single layer of skin and washed it, before freeze drying it to remove all water.
It was then treated with a special protein to make it brittle, before the gold was painted on.
By applying the electricity at different voltages at the bottom and top, the onion skin moved like a real muscle.
At the moment, high voltages need to be used which will be a problem if they are to be implemented in robots and other automated tools.
The team behind the discovery, from National Taiwan University, will now look at whether a similar technique using lower voltages is feasible.
做出这一发现的团队来自台湾国立大学(National Taiwan University),他们现在将研究在较低的电压下,类似的技巧是否可行。
Other issues that need to be resolved are making the onion skin more durable and water-resistant.
Artificial muscles have been created before using live muscle tissue, but they have to be kept alive - a problem that using vegetable tissue sidesteps.
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