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发布时间:2015-05-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Prince Harry has said he wants to settle down and have children but is waiting to find the right woman who will be "next to me to share the pressure".


Speaking on the remote Stewart Island off the coast of New Zealand, the prince said he missed the coverage of the birth of Princess Charlotte because he was on duty with the Australian military but was looking forward to meeting her and holding her.




Discussing his own marital plans in an interview with Sky News, he said: "There come times when you think now is the time to settle down, or now is not, whatever way it is, but I don't think you can force these things it will happen when it's going to happen. Of course, I would love to have kids right now, but there's a process that one has to go through and tours like this are great fun."

在接受天空资讯台(Sky News)的采访时,哈里王子说:“我们经常会觉得现在是时候该成家了,或者现在还不是时候。无论如何,我认为这些事情是不能强求的,在它该发生的时候, 它自然就发生了。当然,我也希望现在马上能有个孩子,但是这得需要一个过程,每个人都需要经历这样一个过程,而且我认为这个过程是很有趣的。

The prince added: "Hopefully I'm doing all right by myself. It would be great to have someone else next to me to share the pressure. But, you know, time will come and whatever happens, happens." Prince Harry has just completed a month-long secondment with the Australian military and is touring New Zealand before returning to Britain to complete his active military career.

他还补充道:“希望我自己能把这些事安排好。如果能有个人站在我身边,和我共同面对所有的压力,这种感觉很棒。但是,我们都知道,时机一旦成熟,该发生的就会发生。 哈里王子刚刚结束在澳大利亚军队为期一个月的训练,就开始了出访新西兰之旅。之后,他将回到英国,结束十年的军旅生涯。

He said that he has not decided what he will do when he leaves but would like to earn a wage. "It is a cross roads. I'm in the same position now as other people in my year group, or my rank would be in," he said.




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