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发布时间:2015-05-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Last week, website How Old - which claimed to automatically detect your age from a photo - went viral with millions of intrigued users rushing to test it out.

上周,声称从一张照片中自动检测到您的年龄的How Old 网爆红,吸引数以百万计的感兴趣用户尝试。

The app, which gathered 35,000 users in a matter of hours, allowed people to upload photos of themselves or their friends, and then analysed their facial structure to determine how old the person might be - with varied results.


And now, keen to jump on the face recognition technology, a new app claiming to tell a guy how manly he is has launched.


How-Dude.me claims to determine 'how dude' a man is. All you have to do is upload a snap of yourself or someone else to the '#HowDudeRobot' and it tells you what percentage 'dude' you are.

How-Dude.me 声称能判断一个男人有多“男人。您需要做的只是上传一张自己的或其他人的快照到“#HowDudeRobot",它就会告诉你你的男子气概的百分比。

The software also provides you with a one liner describing the picture in question, such as #HandsomeRedefined, #Mysterious and #SelfMadeMan.






We put the website to the test with the help of a few famous faces volunteers - and the results were rather insightful.


Most of the men scored above 50 per cent - with one man even being rated 99 per cent dude.


FEMAIL put One Direction's heartthrob, Harry Styles, to the test and he received a 66 per cent dude rating and was dubbed 'Captain Fun'. His bandmate Niall Horan, meanwhile, was analysed by the app and told he had 'hot friends'.

FEMAIL 把One Direction组合的成员哈利•史戴尔斯的照片拿来测试,他得到了66%的男人评级,被称为“船长的乐趣。与此同时,他的乐队成员奈儿•霍朗被该软件分析后告知他有“火辣的朋友。

FEMAIL also tested the app on political party leaders David Cameron, who was dubbed 'adventurous', Nick Clegg, who was credited for his ability to make ladies laugh, and Ed Milliband, who was ranked 94 per cent dude.


Although Prince Harry is the one known for being the life and soul of the party, it was his older brother Prince William who was branded 'Captain Fun' by the app, and Harry was credited for his 'epic smile'.








Hollywood stalwart George Clooney got a 77 per cent dude rating and the one-liner 'Boy's Got Game', whilst British actor Eddie Redmayne, well know for his acting talents, apparently has 'skills'.


The software was devised by the team at Lulu - an app that lets men upload their photos and ask girls for feedback and advice.


Men and women can also post anonymous questions for users to answer.


Unlike How Old, this app doesn't have scientific theory to back itself up but aims to be more of a fun activity.

与How Old不同,这款应用本身并不具有科学的理论支持,更像是一个更有趣的活动。




snap 快照

heartthrob 万人迷


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