Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a very awkward joke on Wednesday about her inability to turn down 'charismatic, attractive' men。
During an on-stage interview at the Economic Club of Chicago, Clinton revealed that she rejected President Barack Obama's offer to join his cabinet twice before saying yes。
Noting that she also refused former president Bill Clinton’s hand in marriage twice before she accepted his proposal, the presumed 2016 presidential candidate said: 'I have a history with charismatic, attractive men. They just wear me out.'
According to the Washington Post, Clinton confessed her weakness for handsome men while in conversation with venture capitalist J.B. Pritzker, who served as national co-chairman of Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign。
Clinton was Illinois on Wednesday to participate in the event and campaign for Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn。
The former first lady reportedly made an appearance at a private fundraiser for Quinn at a law firm while she was in town. She also accompanied him to a campaign stop at DePaul University before speaking to the Economic Club。
Quinn is seeking reelection this November and is in danger of losing to Republican challenger Bruce Rauner。
Today Clinton is in Philadelphia where she is scheduled to headline a rally for Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf。
Wolf is hoping to oust the state's Republican governor, Tom Corbett, in next month's statewide election。
During her dialogue with Prtizker on Wednesday night in Chicago, Clinton shifted gears to federal politics and railed on Republicans for shutting the government down last fall. The move forced her then-boss, President Obama, to cancel a previously planned trip to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Bali, Indonesia, much to her chagrin。
'I don't care what party you are, Democrats never did that to George W. Bush despite our deep differences with President Bush on taxes, on Iraq, on so many other things, Clinton said, according to CNN。
'We never did it,' the former New York Senator told the audience。
Clinton went on to speculate whether members of Congress whom she believes are more interested in partisan politics than governing 'really understand the world' and 'understand what it means for the United States to lead and to be perceived as a leader.'
'Or do they just not care?' Clinton asked. 'Do they just have a whole other agenda that enables them to say whatever they want to say and spout whatever rhetoric they want to spout?'
The former Democratic lawmaker said members of Congress from both parties are guilty of putting politics before problem solving but placed more of the blame on politicians 'on the other side of the aisle.'
Clinton also said she finds it 'deeply distressing' that the refusal to compromise is now worn by federal lawmakers as a badge of honor。
'That is why it is imperative that you have people in business and other positions of responsibility basically say... "Get out there and do your job. Stay off the talk shows. Get back to the Congress. Legislate and solve America's problems," ' she asserted。
据《华盛顿邮报》报道,希拉里在与风险资本家J.B。普里茨克(J.B. Pritzker)的交谈中坦承自己的弱点就是美男。J.B。普里茨克曾担任希拉里2008年总统竞选阵营的联合主席。
9日,希拉里在费城停留,并有意助阵宾夕法尼亚州地方政府候选人汤姆·沃尔夫(Tom Wolf)的竞选集会。沃尔夫希望在11月的全州普选中击败共和党出身的州长汤姆·科波特(Tom Corbett)。
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