We all wish there were cheaper, easier ways to get drunk.
However one British man has revealed how he can get drunk by simply eating chips or mashed potatoes.
Nick Hess suffers from ‘auto-brewery syndrome’, which means his stomach has anovergrowth of yeast which turns any carbohydrates he eats into alcohol.
For years Nick would wake up feeling sick, or often suddenly feel drunk after meals.
His wife even started searching the house for bottles, convinced he was a secret alcoholic.
Friends often thought he was drunk even when no alcohol had passed his lips.
While in hospital, and still under suspicion of being a closeted alcoholic, Nick was feed a meal heavy in carbs which caused his blood alcohol level to shoot up to 120 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood – which is the equivilant of doing seven straight shots of whiskey.
After being diagnosed he was given anti-fungal drugs and put on a low carb diet to combat the condition, however he still experiences one or two episodes a month.
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