——Drink warm boiled water.喝温开水
——Live to be 95, look like you're 50, and stand around in parks all morning clapping your hands.一群看着只有50岁,实际上有95的人,一早上站在公园里拍巴掌。
——Very senior men; walk a bird in a cage. 老人提着鸟笼散步;
Middle to senior men; play chess in the public with people watching. 中老年人大街上被人围着下象棋;
Senior women; dance in squares at dusk. 老年妇女傍晚跳广场舞。
——Playing majiang which is really interesting. 打麻将,真的很好玩。
By the way, the unbelievable lose of chinese team in euro is really a national shame even compared with Team China of soccer.顺便说一句,中国麻将队居然战败欧洲,真是比中国国足还丢脸。
——Try to pay the billfirst of all.抢着买单。
——Eat Lao GanMa.吃老干妈。
——Behave over-friendly to foreigners.对外国人国人热情。
——Ask your neighbor how much money he/she is making.爱问邻居的收入情况。
——We either have intense road rage, or inspire intense road rage in others. 我们有严重的路怒症,或是能让别人产生严重的路怒症。
We like to drive luxurySUVs. Strictly in the colours white, off white, and crème brûlée.我们爱开豪华型SUV,纯白、米白、焦糖布丁色的SUV。
We laugh when we're nervous or embarrassed. 我们紧张或尴尬时就笑。
We note that you drink ice water. And infer that you probably make other audacious choices in life like date outside your race and get B's in math. 我们觉得常常喝冰水的人特别很叛逆,肯定交往过外国人,数学成绩估计也不怎么好。
We like to beat our children with bamboosticks. But they're not so accessible in America. So now we beat them with our iPads.我们喜欢用竹条教育孩子,美国没有竹条,只有用iPad了。
It confounds us why rich, White people insist on pretending to be poor. Backpacking through Europe? Why not limousine.我们不明白为什么白人富豪都爱装穷,还背包环游欧洲呢,干嘛不开豪车去?
You offended us when we offered you a fourth helping of our homemade, home-brined chicken feet and you blankly refused us with, "no thanks, I'm full."我们问你还要不要再来一根自家卤鸡脚,你居然说吃饱了,才吃三根而已,是不是觉得味道不行?
We still remember the time our cableguy came traipsing through our front door to install our TV service with his big, dirty bootsafter we've just mopped the floors. We were appalled, but offered him chicken feet anyway. 我们还记得有天我们刚刚拖完地,安装有线电视的师父就踩着又大又脏的靴子走了进来。我们当时就震惊了,不过还是请他吃了卤鸡脚。
I speak on behalf of every one of my fellow Chinese people. If you disagree, I encourage you to express your grievances to me via pigeon mail. My window is open.我代表所有中国同胞写了上述的话,不同意的话请飞鸽传书,我的窗户会一直开着。
——Go to home town for the Spring Festival.回老家过春节。
——Eat Century eggs.吃皮蛋。
——Have 8's in our License Plates. (or 9's depending on which part of China you're from)车牌上最爱“8这个数字,不同地区可能是“9。
上一篇: 世界上哪国的护照最给力?
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