歧路亡羊A sheep lost in branch roads
Once Yang Zi’s neighbour lost a sheep. His family relatives all set out to look for it, and he also asked Yang Zi to send out his children servants to chase the sheep.
Yang Zi asked, “Just one sheep was lost. Is it necessary for so many people to go after it?
The neighbor said, “It is because there are so many branch roads nearby. When the neighbor returned. xiaogushi8.com Yang Zi asked him again, “Did you find the sheep? The neighbor replied, “No. there are so many branch roads there. We could not know which branch road it had taken, so we had to give up. Hearing this, Yang Zi became doleful with some thoughts and understandings.
He said nothing and there was no smile on his face. xiaogushi8.com Other did not know what he was thinking about.
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