I’m on my way to get something to eat.
We are, too. Why don’t you join us?
Why don’t you ...? “……怎么样?”, 表示建议。join 指“加入”。
It’s time to leave.
Can we all go together?
It’s time to ... “到该做……的时间了”。
all together “大家一起”。
Why don’t we go together?
Why don’t you go with us?
Why not come with us?
How about joining us?
Are we all going together?
Is it possible for us to all go together?
Would you like to come along?
Are you sure it’s okay?
come along “一起来”、 “跟随”。
Would you like to come with me?
Do you want to go with me?
Would you like to join me?
How about joining me?
How about ...? 表示建议, “……怎么样?”。
Why don’t we get together for dinner?
That’s a great idea.
get together “聚会”、 “会合”。
Would you like to meet for dinner?
Let’s get together for dinner.
What do you say to getting together for dinner?
How about getting together for dinner?
How about dinner together?
Can you make it here by six?
Yeah, if nothing comes up.
(嗯, 如果不发生什么意外的话。)
make it是口语, 也有“完成(某件事情)”的意思, 不过这里指“到达(目的地等)”。
nothing “什么也没有”。come up “ (问题)产生”、 “发生”。
Can you come over here by six?
come over “过来”。
Will you be able to make it by six?
be able to ... “能够……”。
Tom asked me out to dinner tonight.
That’s very nice of him.
Tom asked me to dinner.
Tom is taking me to dinner.
I have nothing planned tomorrow.
Can you come to my presentation?
I don’t have anything I have to do tomorrow.
I don’t have anything scheduled for tomorrow.
Do you want to do any shopping?
I’m ready to shop until I drop.
shopping “购物”。
ready “做好准备”。until “直到”。“I’m ready to shop until I drop.”是习惯用语, 指“永远都可以买”,
上一篇: 职场英语百科:喝酒助兴(2)
下一篇: 职场口语一学就会:邀请(5)