1) It is an excellent source of antioxidants(抗氧化)。
2) It burns fat and enables you to exercise longer(助你燃烧脂肪)。
3) It prolongs your life(延年益寿)。
4) It lowers stress but boosts brain power(帮助你降压)。
5) It reduces high blood pressure(有助降血压)。
6) It helps protect your lungs from smoking(降低吸烟对肺部损害)。
7) It helps to protect your liver from alcohol(让你远离酒精)。
8) It prevents tooth decay and cures bad breath(防止蛀牙)。
9) It helps preserve and build bone(增强骨质)。
10) It boosts your immunity against illnesses(增强免疫力)。
11) It rehydrates you better than water(比水更有益补充水分)。
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