We all spend a significant proportion of our lives at work. Being miserable at work can spill over into our personal lives so it makes sense to tackle any issues you have in the workplace sooner rather than later.
Clearly, what you choose to do will need to reflect your personal circumstances, but here are ten things you might consider:
* Evaluate your skills. 评估自己的技能。It could be that you need to brush up on your skills base or acquire new skills to enable you to undertake your responsibilities efficiently and effectively. Talk to your manager if you feel you need support in rising to the challenge.
* Volunteer to get involved in a project. 自愿参与项目。If there is a project that interests you or you feel you need to focus on some other things for a while, make sure that your manager knows this. Volunteer to get involved. Ask questions about what's going on. It may be just what you need to get you out of that rut.
* Volunteer for community activities. 自愿参加社区活动。Many organizations are focusing on corporate social responsibility and offer the opportunity to get involved in community projects. These can help build relationships with colleagues and provide the opportunity to help others.
* Plan your career goals. 规划职业目标。Think about what you want to achieve in your career and what steps you need to take to get there. Think about your current role in the context of your future. You may not be currently working at the level you aspire to but you may be gaining vital experience that will enable you to progress.
* Seek advice. 广纳建议。Speak to friends about your options. Have an informal chat with a recruitment consultant about fresh opportunities in your area. He or she will be able to tell you what employers are looking for and what options you have.
(the end)
上一篇: 你会嫉妒同事吗?
下一篇: 找出让自己工作不快乐的原因(1)