The day before 13:45, Lake Zhixing College know really the first floor hall, foreign students are being brushed campus card, fingerprint machine is ready to "College Chinese" lesson. Reporter saw student credit card very well, but many people fingerprint pressed several times before they succeed.
By the finished fingerprint freshman yellow classmates told reporters: "school began last week pilot attendance way, not all courses need only know really building and knowledge of new building class courses for freshman."
Reporters learned from the school, the schools to know the true floor to know new building, each with a punch card machine, from last week, the school from seven lines each from a freshman class for the trial, the students first credit card resort to fingerprints, the school will be able to know their attendance in the background.
Officials said that this attendance way to test the water phase from the first week of the operation point of view, to a certain extent. As for whether the new approach can effectively curb truancy, whether implemented in the school, the school prepared to wait for a period of time, comprehensive views of teachers and students, to make a decision.
Swipe fingerprint inspection sign, sparked a heated debate in the students. First, students like skipping, which is obviously not a good news, many students of anonymity They complained to reporters: "Universities should be free school so good for us, but also a bit too hard pipe . "
Students expressed support for, freshman Liu students of the Department of Foreign Languages of the school said: "I think the fingerprint punch card necessity of the existence, can effectively prevent truancy, students in the classroom is better than sleeping in the bedroom, or play a game much more meaningful."
However, more students said: "fingerprint punch card can retain students, but failed to keep the heart of the students." Department of Fine Arts freshman Teng, who is pertinent to school to increase classroom interaction, fun, improve teacher personal charm, classroom itself able to attract students, in order to enhance the student's own thirst for knowledge and personal qualities, this makes more sense than the strict attendance measures.
The Lake Daichi College Huagongchu teacher, school to take a variety of ways to check attendance - named teacher, counselor spot checks, the Office of Academic Affairs weekly ranking of each class attendance, students to the lesson rates are 90% more than now to take a fingerprint examination is to enable the digital management, further improve rates of attendance, reduce the burden on teachers.
"The reason for this strict style of study, students of poor self-control, curiosity weak, which is the school's upset." The school a decades-old professor teach told reporters, a few years ago, he The lesson bursting skipping students year after year. Schools in recent years have been in the pay close attention to the style of study, to take this new way to improve the style of study, but also to encourage students to enhance learning.
However, a young school teachers believe that students now self-awareness is very strong, does not matter what you want to mingle with them in order to attract them to voluntarily school attendance deadlift strong pull for them, it is not feasible.
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