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发布时间:2013-05-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  3307 days of detention, sentenced to compensate for 537883.55 yuan, mental injury solatium 100000 yuan. Baoding City Intermediate People's court 7 days for Zhao Yanjin to apply for state compensation reply, Zhao Yanjin said not, will apply for compensation to the compensation committee of the Hebei Provincial Higher People's court.


  Zhao Yanjin is Hebei province an end of the new County town of Henan village. In 2001 September, at the age of 32 Zhao Yanjin was involved in a homicide. In 12 years, the two time she was sentenced to life imprisonment, acquitted two times. Completely free, she had spent a night in jail for 10 years. More absurd is, an acquittal in the high court of Hebei Province, and she was jailed for 20 months for free.


  In March 8, 2013, Zhao Yanjin in the second innocence compensation on the grounds, to the Baoding intermediate people's court to apply for state compensation 2900000 yuan.


  The Baoding intermediate people's court in 7 issued the "decision" state compensation confirmation, Zhao Yanjin two times altogether in custody for 3307 days, the compensation of their liberty damages of 537883.55 dollars by 2012, urban non-private units annual average wages of staff and workers on the average wage has not been announced, temporary 2011 standard is calculated 162.65 yuan, the 2012 annual national the standard of compensation after the announcement, 15 days to make up the difference in the form of notice.


  The Baoding intermediate people's court in tort within the scope of influence as Zhao Yanjin elimination effect, restore reputation, pay 100000 yuan mental damage compensation.


  Baoding court held in custody, Zhao Yanjin advocated by the case-handling personnel torture to extract confessions lead to injury, because the hospital staff is not the implementation of torture to extract confessions, so the proposed in this hospital for disability identification for its requirements shall not be supported, no compensation for its gold and treatment of disability compensation costs 1900000 yuan.



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