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发布时间:2013-05-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Tensions are mounting between India and China over their disputed Himalayan border and shared water resources ahead of a visit to New Delhi next month by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.


  Beijing and New Delhi have been attempting to dial down historical tensions as bilateral trade flourishes. But a series of alleged cross-border incidents since mid-April have once again raised the temperature between India and China, who fought a 1962 border war that Beijing won and regard themselves as regional powers.


  Indian authorities alleged this week that on April 15 they noticed that Chinese troops set up a post 6 miles inside their territory in the remote Himalayan area of Ladakh and remain there. The de facto border in the area, known as the Line of Actual Control, is disputed.


  A week later, Indian media reported that Chinese helicopters flew over an Indian military base in the same area. Indian officials declined to comment on this allegation.


  China's military and Foreign Ministry deny the allegations and have attempted to play down New Delhi's allegations that China has grown more assertive in recent months over its territorial claims against India.


  A spokesman for China's Defense Ministry, Yang Yujun, said at a news briefing this week that reports of a Chinese incursion were 'not true,' and that Chinese and Indian border troops remained in communication, according to China state-run news agency Xinhua.


  A spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said during a news briefing Thursday the allegations wouldn't affect wider border stability or the development of ties between Asian neighbors.


  India, too, is playing down the alleged incidents at a time when both nations are forging closer trade ties. Bilateral trade rose by about a third to nearly $76 billion in the year ended March 31, 2012, from a year earlier, and the countries hope to boost this trade to $100 billion by 2015.


  'One little spot is acne, which cannot force you to say that this is not a beautiful face,' Salman Khurshid, India's foreign minister, told reporters on Thursday. 'That acne can be addressed by simply applying an ointment.'

  印度外长库尔希德(Salman Khurshid)上周四对记者说,如果脸上有一颗小粉刺,不能就此断定这张脸不漂亮;至于粉刺,简单擦一点药膏就好了。

  Mr. Khurshid will visit China in the second week of May ahead of Premier Li's trip to India, a precise date for which hasn't been released.


  Nonetheless, the two sides appear little closer to drawing down the dispute, which has left Chinese and Indian commentators pointing fingers on who should bear the blame for the recent uptick in tensions. Indian officials say two meetings of Chinese and Indian military commanders on the de facto border haven't resolved the dispute.


  Other areas of potential dispute are widening as well. India wants China to allow it to monitor three new dams that Beijing plans to build on the Brahmaputra River, which rises in Tibet before flowing into Indian territory.


  Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he asked Chinese Premier Xi Jinping on the sidelines of a summit last month in South Africa for access to the dams to ensure they don't reduce water flow to India.

  印度总理辛格(Manmohan Singh)说,他上个月在南非峰会的间隙曾向中国国家主席习近平提出,要求能够监督大坝,确保大坝不会导致流入印度的水量减少。

  India also is concerned about China's growing military might. Beijing is spending heavily on its military, with a focus on its navy, which New Delhi worries could challenge its supremacy in the Indian Ocean region. China military spending is set to rise 11% in 2013 to 720.2 billion yuan ($114.3 billion), a significant portion of which will contribute to Chinese naval capabilities as it takes on missions further from its shores.


  China has complained about Indian involvement in joint-venture energy projects with Southeast Asian countries in areas of the South China Sea that Beijing claims as its territory.



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