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发布时间:2013-04-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  The 23 day, went to Lushan to send relief volunteers "Wei Wei 029" micro-blog "Xi'an and said more than 20 student volunteers mountain lost lost contact", one time attracted wide attention.


  But all the signs are that, the "volunteers lost lost contact" may be a farce, suspected was a 18 years old girl directed the farce.


  "Wang Yuxuan" to the strange volunteers for help


  Western net reporter the first time and hair micro-blog volunteers "Wei Wei 029" contact, "Wei Wei 029," said the night of 22 22:55, they receive from the "Wang Yuxuan" for SMS and phone.


  On the phone, "Wang Yuxuan" told "Wei Wei 029" partner Mr. Wang, said they were spontaneously from Xi'an to Ya'an disaster relief volunteers, "Wang Yuxuan said," the afternoon they in the mountains saw Ya'an County, but it was dark, lost in the mountains, it's raining, they 20 people are trying to down the mountain.


  "Wei Wei and Wang 029" by 8 points yesterday morning, also did not see "Wang Yuxuan" contact with them, then the alarm to the local police, also in micro-blog issued the "Wang Yuxuan" and other news of the missing.


  More than 20 students in total security to Lushan


  23, 11 pm, reporter tried to call "Wei Wei 029 micro-blog" published "Wang Yuxuan" phone, but has been in a state of secretary.


  About 23 of 16:49, "Wei Wei 029" Fawei Bo said, already and one contact, more than 20 students in all safety to Lushan.


  Understand according to the reporter, "Wang Yuxuan" QQ space send first content from 11:30 in April 21st, after an hour on average are updated, and the content is released through the computer, this "Wang Yuxuan" called the lost mobile phone no electricity, in the mountains, not on the micro-blog, totally inconsistent with.


  The netizen "Wang Yuxuan" other friends to the reporter, the reporter made contact with them, who told reporters, "Wang Yuxuan" has actually been in xi'an. When the journalist again with "Wang Yuxuan", after the information to tell her, she was silent for a few seconds, then hung up the telephone, reporters once again call, the phone was transferred to the secretary.


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