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发布时间:2013-04-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  The national development and Reform Commission announced yesterday, steam, diesel oil price per ton lower 395 yuan and 400 yuan, the price of execution time for the April 24th 24. Specific to the Beijing market, the reporter learned from the municipal development and Reform Commission, Beijing 92 gasoline highest retail price of 0.31 yuan / liter, 7.49 yuan / liter; No. 95 gasoline also finally dropped back to 7 yuan stall, fell to 7.97 yuan / liter, 0.34 yuan per liter down. This is the implementation of the new pricing mechanism for refined oil after the first price adjustment.


  Yesterday afternoon, the national development and Reform Commission issued a price adjustment, cash to tune commitment. The NDRC said, the price of refined oil prices, according to the April 24 10 working days before the international market of crude oil average price changes, and consider the April 10th not price with calculated amount.


  This is the first time the price after the introduction of new refined oil pricing mechanism, and since the 2012 August record high amplitude reduction. Introduction of new product oil pricing mechanism in March 26th, the price adjustment cycle from 22 working days to 10 working days, canceled 4% of price limits, and proper adjustment of the affiliated international market crude varieties. This means that the linkage of the stronger domestic refined oil prices and international crude oil, with the development and Reform Commission as saying, the drop falls, the rose on the rise. According to the "ten days" principle, in April 10th the first price adjustment time window, but because of the change of international oil price changes little, did not reach 50 yuan / ton ran aground.


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