抗震救灾不力 副乡长被免职-查字典英语网
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抗震救灾不力 副乡长被免职

发布时间:2013-04-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Sichuan Province Lushan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau 24, told reporters, the county Qing Ren Xiang deputy mayor Yang Chengyi because of ineffective work in earthquake relief, responsibility heart is not strong, caused some serious mistakes in the work, on the morning of 24 July dismissal.


  According to the Qing Hui Township Party Secretary Peng Qingxiang introduction, after the earthquake, Yang Chengyi responsible for Hengxi village relief work. In accordance with the relevant work, 23 PM, Yang Chengyi should be issued to work in the village of materials. However, when the people affected by the disaster have material release objection after, Yang Chengyi left the job sites, in violation of the relevant discipline, so according to the provisions of dismissed him.


  According to the briefing, the Qing Ren Xiang has held a party committee, of a review and analysis of the problems existing in the work.


  "I've never left the relief line". Yang Chengyi said, 23 working groups to check, Yongning group he is carrying relief supplies to Hengxi village most remote. After the earthquake, regardless of their own homes, drive back to the government, interrupted by the Yongning set of road, he led the food, drinking water and sent, before leaving also sent for Hengxi village supply distribution.


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