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发布时间:2013-04-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  "4 · 20" Ya'an earthquake caused heavy casualties and property losses, the international community about China in the disaster relief at the same time, also expressed their sympathy and support to the Chinese government and people, and to reach out to china.


  The 22 day, 198 Russian rescuers and 2 Chinese foreign ministry staff, will be on the same day at twelve thirty, twelve forty, twelve fifty, divided into three batch arrived in Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport (micro-blog), Sichuan Lushan rushed to the quake-hit areas for rescue.


  Some foreign dignitaries from 20 to 21, respectively, to call the Chinese President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang, Sichuan Ya'an earthquake is expressed sympathy and support to the Chinese government and people.


  The United States Secretary of state Kerrey 20 in the afternoon to the Chinese government and people express condolences. He said, the United States of America people sincerely mourned in the Sichuan earthquake victims and victims. The United States will join the international community assistance to China relief. The United States of America heartfelt condolences to the victims of the earthquake and the expression of the Chinese people.


  Russian President Putin promised in a letter to the Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russia is willing to provide all the necessary assistance to the disaster area "". German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the day of the earthquake to the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang expressed to the disaster area people's sympathy, and promised to help find missing persons and to provide emergency aid for the victims.


  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, South Korean President Park Geun-hye, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Medvedev, French president, President Barroso of the European Commission and other international dignitaries also in succession to the Chinese government and people express sympathy and support, and expressed their willingness to provide assistance to earthquake relief.


  In Indonesia, Surabaya at the nineteenth APEC (APEC) plenary meeting of trade ministers at the beginning of the meeting, President Gita Villavan proposed the Indonesian trade minister, silence, Sichuan China earthquake victims for a minute, and expressed sympathy for the earthquake victims. According to reports, during the meeting, members of the APEC delegation also through various means to the Chinese representative on the expression of earthquake victims condolences and sympathy to the injured.


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