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发布时间:2013-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The international spot gold Thursday in Asia after bottoming out, the price of gold trading around 1376.8, shortly after the focus on the 1386 line of defense.

  The famous economist, a former Morgan Stanley (Morgan Stanley) managing director Xie Guozhong recently summarized three big trends for the future: the price of gold has been established, the first half of the yen down potential has temporarily come to an end, Asian shares fell space is limited.

  Frying gold how to make gold and silver free expert guidance of bank TD bank account guide gold silver simulation set gold desktop market quotations tool for the price of gold why fall trading software, as well as the gold market really will collapse question, Xie Guozhong said, when the poor economic data, usually drive gold prices higher, but this is only theory. Now that gold has become the international macro fund speculation in the object, so the traditional theory cannot predict.

  He believes that this wave of market, international gold can be divided into two stages, namely, fell to $1500 from $1600 and $1500 to $1400. The first stage is because macro fund speculation to speculation by gold yen. The second stage is for a quarter of China's GDP data as expected.

  However, Xie Guozhong thinks, as the yen depreciation will temporarily come to an end, emerging markets such as China and India and the existence of inflation, the current gold still has fundamental advantages. Macro fund will still back speculation gold, the second half of the year prices are still up space.

  In fact, as early as in early 1, Xie Guozhong once said, the 2013 gold bull market will continue to exist. He attended the first Guangzhou Fu Yin wealth forum to the media said, in 2013 he was optimistic about the bond market investment opportunities, and precious metals.

  He believes that, despite the recent price adjustment, precious metals investment remains a concern, because money is gold substitutes, but can not be easily printing, especially in the case of excess money, gold is the necessary assets.

  Xie Guozhong said at the time, at present, the gold bull market is not the end, unless the Federal Reserve (FED) to start raising interest rates. But the Fed has at least one or two years later, the short term will not raise interest rates.


  著名经济学家、前摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)董事总经理谢国忠近日总结出未来的三大趋势:黄金价格底部已确立、日元上半年贬势已暂告一段落、亚股大跌空间有限。








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