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发布时间:2013-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Jeff Arnold, 28, who has learned how to expertly maneuver a tractor, graduated from Colorado State University. Abe Bobman, 24, who studied sociology at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, was clearing vines alongside Nate Krauss-Malett, 25, who went to Skidmore College.

  Mr. Krauss-Malett said he became interested in farming after working in a restaurant and seeing how much food was wasted. Mr. Bobman had the same realization working in the produce section at a grocery store before college.

  They had been in the fields here at Hearty Roots Community Farm in the Hudson Valley since 7 a.m. They all said they could not imagine doing any other job.

  “Farming appeals to me, and probably to other people, because it’s simple and straightforward work outdoors with literal fruits from your labor, Mr. Bobman said. “It doesn’t feel like you’re a part of an oppressive institution.

  For decades, the number of farmers has been shrinking as a share of the population, and agriculture has often been seen as a backbreaking profession with little prestige. But the last Agricultural Census in 2007 showed a 4 percent increase in the number of farms, the first increase since 1920, and some college graduates are joining in the return to the land.

  For decades, the number of farmers has been shrinking as a share of the population, and agriculture has often been seen as a backbreaking profession with little prestige. But the last Agricultural Census in 2007 showed a 4 percent increase in the number of farms, the first increase since 1920, and some college graduates are joining in the return to the land.

  Jordan Schmidt, a crew manager here at Hearty Roots, studied environmental science at Wesleyan. Ms. Schmidt, 27, did not have so much as a garden growing up, but in college, she said, she worked at a student-run farm and fell in love with agriculture. So she gave up on research science and moved onto a farm in Pennsylvania after graduating. This is her third season at Hearty Roots.

  28岁的杰夫·阿诺德(Jeff Arnold) 毕业于科罗拉多州立大学(Colorado State University),他已经学会熟练驾驶拖拉机。24岁的阿贝·包博曼(Abe Bobman) 正在农田里清理藤蔓,他曾在康涅狄格州卫斯理安大学(Wesleyan University)学习社会学,旁边是25岁的内特·克劳斯-马莱特(Nate Krauss-Malett),他曾就读于斯基德莫尔学院(Skidmore College)。






  乔丹·施密特(Jordan Schmidt)是哈特鲁茨农场的人事经理,她曾在卫斯理安大学主修环境科学。27岁的施密特说,打小除了养花,她没怎么做过农活,但是在大学期间,她在一家学生经营的农场工作,对农业产生了热爱。她在毕业后放弃科学研究,前往宾夕法尼亚州的一家农场工作。这是她在哈特鲁茨农场工作的第三个收获季节。


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