TUNIS, Aug. 27 -- Tunisian Prime Minister-designate Hichem Mechichi confirmed Thursday that he "welcomes any initiatives that contribute to the success of the new government mission."
At a press conference held in Tunis, following his meeting with members of his proposed cabinet, Mechichi reassured that "he will do everything possible to gain the confidence of parliament during the plenary session scheduled for Sept. 1."
Mechichi affirmed his personal commitment to work and interact positively with all political parties and parliamentary groups.
"The new government will be a link between all political actors and will set up a mechanism for the execution of the programs of the parties which serve the interest of the country," said Mechichi.
Mechichi announced on Monday night the lineup of his proposed government.
The new cabinet is composed of 28 members, including 25 ministers and three secretaries of state.
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