国内英语资讯:Xi Focus: Xi stresses reform and opening up, quality development during Anhui inspection-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:Xi Focus: Xi stresses reform and opening up, quality development during Anhui inspection

发布时间:2020-09-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

HEFEI, Aug. 21 -- President Xi Jinping has stressed upholding reform and opening up as well as high-quality development while making greater progress in accelerating the building of a better Anhui.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks during an inspection tour in east China's Anhui Province from Tuesday to Friday.

Efforts should be made to implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee, implement the new development philosophy and follow the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, Xi said.

The country should uphold reform and opening up as well as high-quality development, deepen supply-side structural reform, and fight the "three tough battles" against major risks, poverty and pollution, he said.

Xi called for efforts to ensure stability on six fronts and security in six areas, secure a victory in completing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and win the battle against poverty.

Efforts should also be made to achieve greater success in the establishment of a new development pattern that takes the domestic market as the mainstay and allows the domestic and foreign markets to boost each other, and make further progress in accelerating the building of a better Anhui, Xi said.

Braving the scorching heat typical of August in the regions between the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers, Xi visited the cities of Fuyang, Ma'anshan and Hefei from Tuesday to Friday.

The tour brought Xi to sites at the front line of flood control, rural areas, enterprises and a revolutionary memorial hall, where he visited and consoled flood-hit residents and personnel fighting floods.

Xi inspected work on advancing economic and social development while keeping regular COVID-19 containment measures in place, stepping up flood control and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and preparing for the country's development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).

On Tuesday afternoon, he visited the Wangjiaba floodgate in Funan County of Fuyang City, where he was briefed about work on the flood control in Anhui and on the floodwater diversion through the Wangjiaba floodgate on July 20, the first such diversion via the floodgate after an interval of 13 years. At an exhibition hall on flood control, Xi learnt about in detail the Huaihe River management history and the flood control work in the river valley.

Xi then went to a luggage and bag company nearby to learn about Funan County's work on shaking off poverty through employment and preventing people from falling back into poverty due to floods. He had a warm conversation with workers there.

Xi expressed his hope that companies in flood-hit zones will overcome difficulties to recover losses to floods. He required local Party committees and governments at all levels to deliver greater support to flood-affected companies and help them through hard times to ensure employment for flood-hit and impoverished people.

Xi later went to Limin Village in Caoji Town and visited a "zhuangtai," a residential structure on raised ground with higher elevation that functions as a safe haven from river floods.

Walking into the fields, Xi learned about post-flood production recovery from the working villagers and stressed that it is necessary to adjust measures to local conditions, step up planting, minimize disaster losses, and strive for a good harvest in autumn.

Xi also visited the villagers' homes to learn about their family income, flood-incurred damage, and the resumption of production.

"I am very concerned about the flood-affected people and came specially to visit our fellow villagers this time. I am relieved to see your life gradually returning to normal with the help of the Party committee and the government and your own efforts to actively engage in production," Xi told villagers.

Xi went to Ma'anshan City on Wednesday morning and inspected the comprehensive renovation of waterfronts, ecological and environmental protection and restoration, and the implementation of the 10-year fishing moratorium in the Yangtze River.

He stressed that only by protecting the ecology well and giving full play to the ecological advantages can high-quality development be realized.

Xi also urged promoting well-coordinated environmental conservation and avoiding excessive development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

In Ma'anshan, a city built and thrived by steel, Xi visited Magang Group, a subsidiary of China Baowu Steel Group, to learn about the situation of business operation.

Inspecting the workshops and greeting the representatives of the workers, Xi encouraged the company to seize the opportunities brought by the country's further reform of state-owned enterprises and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to enhance market competitiveness.

On Wednesday afternoon, Xi went to the county of Feidong in the provincial capital of Hefei, where he inspected a dam in a wetland-turned flood storage area near the Chaohu Lake.

Since the flood season started this year, the lake has seen its highest water levels ever recorded.

Xi stressed efforts to restore wetlands' functions of flood water storage and ecological conservation. He also called on the southern part of China to continue its flood control and disaster relief efforts, while reminding the northern part of China to guard against possible floods to protect people's lives and property.

On the dam, Xi met people fighting the floods at the front line and consoled families of those who died in the line of duty. Xi sent his regards to all those battling floods across the country.

Xi lauded all the frontline officials, members of the public and military personnel from the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and the People's Armed Police Force for their will, courage and solidarity.

"Our Party and the people thank you!" Xi said.

On Wednesday afternoon, Xi also visited the Anhui Innovation Center in Hefei, where he commended the progress the province has made in advancing technological innovation and developing emerging industries of strategic importance.

Visiting a memorial hall marking the PLA's campaign to cross the Yangtze River during the Chinese People's War of Liberation, Xi stressed efforts to always stay true to the Party's original aspiration and founding mission and always be a loyal servant of the people.

On Friday morning, Xi heard work reports from the Anhui provincial Party committee and the provincial government. He affirmed the accomplishments made by Anhui and encouraged the officials and people of the province to achieve more.

Xi stressed work on flood control, disaster relief, and post-disaster reconstruction, as well as support for disaster-stricken enterprises on production and work resumption.

Priority should be given to assisting poor residents affected by the epidemic and floods, so that they will not fall back into poverty because of the disasters.

Xi pledged to arrange several major projects in coordination with the country's 14th Five-Year Plan that are fundamental and pivotal to the security of rivers and lakes, the ecological environment, and urban flood control.

He also underlined the need to deepen agricultural supply-side structural reform to improve the quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of the sector.

Xi stressed strengthening and improving the real economy and transforming and upgrading traditional industries, while developing emerging industries of strategic importance.

He pledged efforts to accelerate the development of the manufacturing industry into a more digitized, intelligent, and internet-powered one, making the industrial and supply chains more stable and modern.

Efforts should also be made to develop core technologies, Xi said, adding that the breakthrough and leading role of the reforms must be given full play.

Stressing the importance of integration and high-quality development, Xi called for further deepening the integration of key areas, and promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

Xi underlined sticking to a people-centered development philosophy, and rolling out more supportive measures on aiding enterprises, cutting their burdens, stabilizing jobs, and expanding employment.

Efforts should be made to ensure jobs for key groups, including college graduates, migrant workers, veterans, and those affected by disasters, Xi said, urging the effective implementation of policies benefiting enterprises to protect and stimulate the vitality of market entities.

China should continuously advance the alignment of poverty elimination and rural vitalization to promote the all-round vitalization of poor regions, Xi said.

The people are the foundation of the Party's governance, Xi said, noting that the fight against COVID-19 and floods have once again proved that, as long as the Party governs for the people and relying on the people, it will be ever-victorious.

Xi stressed making vigorous efforts to guard against formalism, and ensuring that no place will be out of bounds, no stone left unturned, and no tolerance shown in the fight against corruption.


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