我叫蒋一丞,今年10岁,在阳羡小学上三年级。 我长着一张瓜子脸,眉毛弯弯的,虽然眼睛不大,也不是双眼皮,但也算得上是眉清目秀。哦,我的鼻子上还有一颗痣,妈妈说,这是我的标志,属于专利。
我的身材很苗条,可饭却吃得很多。爸爸说我这只小猴子,只吃饭,不长肉。我的个子不高不矮,排队时,我是火车的车厢。 我是一个健康的少先队员,活泼、开朗,特别喜欢运动。恨不得每天都上两节体育课。
Every time I run, I always get the first place. Unfortunately, at this year's sports meeting, I played badly and didn't win honor for my class. For this reason, I was sad for several days. I also like playing badminton. I remember that once, my little friend and I played badminton in the Liberation Square. We ran around on the concrete ground, sweating all over our heads. Badminton flew around, dazzling people. We played in the dark. It was more than 9 o'clock in the evening that we won.
I still play. In the class, Yo Yo is popular, so I pester my mother to buy it; in the class, electronic pets are popular, so I'm not weak. In short, I will play whatever is popular in the class.
瞧我这“皮大王”。 我也有文静的一面,喜欢看书,是个“书迷”,看不出来吧。每到星期天,我就钻进书房,捧起书,在知识的海洋里遨游。书,让我增长了见识,让我懂得了做人的道理,还让我认识了白雪公主、卖火柴的小女孩…… 瞧,这就是我,有动有静、有文有武的我。