今年国庆,我和爸爸、妈妈还有几个伯伯阿姨一起去浙江的丽水、金华市游玩。 我们先坐车来到金华,去那最有名的大学—浙江师范大学,我们中有几个伯伯都在这里读过大学,这次他们是来参加校庆45周年。
There are flags and banners everywhere. It's very busy. When we have a good meal, we go to Shuanglongdong, a national scenic spot. When we enter Shuanglongdong, we need to take a boat first. We have to lie down. Because the hole is very low, we can't reach out our hands or lift our heads, which scares me.
洞很大,有很多奇形怪状的石头,还有哗哗响的瀑布,被灯光照着,可漂亮了。 第二天,我们乘着车,来到诸葛八卦村,白白的房子,有许多我从来都没有见过的农具、桶等,我们在那还拍了许多美丽又漂亮的照片,我们还买了许多好玩又有趣的东西呢!妈妈说这里住的都是诸葛亮的后代。 第三天,我们又乘着汽车到了丽水的仙都。那儿最有名的是鼎湖峰,那座山好高好高,在半山腰,我们还跟下面的人对山歌呢!我下山后,又和爸爸一起古老的踩水车。
The last place we went was a stream called a good stream. There is a stone bridge on the stream. There are many people washing clothes! In the evening, I sat by the stream and watched the round moon reflected on the water. There were rows of lights beside the stream that flashed like stars in the sky. I can't count, I can't count.