

发布时间:2020-08-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编


It turns out that the lion is the king of the forest, but one day the lion told the animals that he was old and asked them to choose a new king. In order to be careful, we decided to let each animal try to be king for a week.


As soon as the news came out, the animals were boiling. At last, we decided to make the owl king, because it is the most diligent. So the owl was elected king of the first week. Now it's busy. Owls let animals sleep during the day and come out at night. It's exhausting the animals, but some animals, like bats and owls, are not.

第二周,动物们 一个个都成了“熊猫眼”,大家一致认为猫头鹰不适合当国王,又推选河马当国王。河马觉得猫头鹰这种做法不对,它要改一改,它说:“从今天起,你们都泡在水里洗澡。”大家一听,哭天喊地,可是没有办法,只好从命。

第三周,动物们的皮肤都特别“光滑”,这次又轮到长颈鹿当国王,它说:“从今天起,你们都必须伸长脖子,吃树上的枝叶。”动物们一听都吓的要命 ,它们的脖子怎么也够不着枝叶,再说了,还有一些食肉的动物,唉,这下动物们可惨了。


Around the fourth week, the animals' necks were swollen and their heads could not go down. This time it's ostrich's turn to be king. He goes too far and says, "now you all give me long run training." Some of the animals who are good at long-distance running shout "long live", but other animals are suffering. If they don't practice every day, they won't stop moving. Their legs are like pillars.


In the fifth week, the monkeys became king, and the animals thought that the monkeys would let them use their tails as swings. However, the monkey said, "from today on, you all live according to your own habits." It's a relief for all of us. The animals that have been struggling for four weeks can rest now. The lion looked at it and said, "monkeys are the best fit to be your king." Everyone cheered.


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