今天晚上,弟弟让妈妈给他做沙包。我听见了,也对妈妈说:“妈妈,我也要一个。” “都这么大了,还玩什么沙包。”妈妈生气地说。 “妈妈,我不用你做。你只要给我剪好布,剩下的工作由我自己来完成。”我大声说。 “你行吗?”妈妈微笑着问我。 “不就是缝个小沙包吗?小意思。
你就等着瞧吧!”我满不在乎地说道。 妈妈给我剪好布后,我就动手做起来。我先剪下一段长长的线,然后学着妈妈穿针的样子,把线头放在嘴里用唾液湿一下,左手拿针,右手拿线,打算把线插进针眼里。可是我试了很多次,线头却怎么也穿不过去。我想:可能是线头还不够湿吧!
So I put the thread in my mouth and licked it, but I still can't. At this time, I was a little annoyed and thought, "isn't it just a little thread? I have to put you in the eye of the needle. " So I confidently picked up the thread and put it in the needle's eye. This time, it's not bad. The thread has gone through a little. I was trying to pull the thread, but when I saw it, it was difficult. I held the needle in one hand and the thread in the other. How could I free my hand to pull the thread? I have an idea. I open my mouth and bite the thread with my teeth. But the teeth are too big and the thread head is too small, which makes the naughty thread head shrink back. Alas! I'm really pissed off. I can't help but move to my mother.
妈妈说:“你的线头穿不过去,是因为你老是把线头往嘴里含,把线头弄得又软又湿,它怎么能穿过去呢?你应该用手指沾一点唾液,再用拇指和食指轻轻将线头捻一下。线头变得又尖又细,这样就可以穿过去了。” 我按照妈妈说的方法一试,结果还真灵,一下子就穿过去了。我高兴得跳了起来。
接下来就是缝制了。我在线头上打了一个结,然后把两块布对齐,沿着一边开始缝起来。我笨拙地把针从布的这边穿过去,然后把布反过来,再把针拉出来。就这样翻一下,拉一针;再翻一下,再拉一针……一针一针吃力地往下缝。费了好长时间,才缝了一点点。妈妈看见了,对我说:“你这样缝太慢了,不要把布翻来翻去的,只要看着一面,将针一上一下地往前穿,针上快穿满了时,再将针拉出,这样缝起来才快。” 我试着用妈妈讲的办法缝下去,嘿,还真比刚才缝得快多了。我很快缝好了一边,又学着刚才的样子把另一块布对好,继续缝起来。
It took nine cows and two tigers to sew the sandbags. Looking at the crumpled sandbags, I can't help but think of a sentence: it's easier to look at than to sit. That's true! In the future, we should not only find ways and tricks to do things, but also have perseverance to do things well.