

发布时间:2020-08-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

今天放学回到家,我十分想吃水果萝卜,便叫妈妈去买,“我现在有事儿,我给你5元钱,你自己去买吧!” 常听人们说:“一些小商小贩斤少两,坑人骗钱,特别喜欢骗小孩!”妈妈也再三叮嘱我要小心点,不要上当受骗。我一边想着妈妈的话,一边转悠,终于我看见了一辆三轮车上的萝卜。


This kind of radish skin is green and the meat is bright red, so people call it "fruit Radish". It's good-looking and delicious. I like it best. The radish seller is an uncle in his 20s. He is tall, wearing blue clothes and pants, and has two bright eyes on a swarthy face. Seeing me staring at his radish, he said: "children, buy radish? You see how good the radish is. It's grown by yourself! " "How much is a jin?" "One yuan!" I chose two big ones and put them on the scale. He gently raised the beam with his hand, looked at the star, and said, "two pieces and four corners." I think: I have to watch carefully, but don't let him pit me!


I asked him to lower the scale. Isn't that right? The rope with the weight has reached one and a half kilograms! He didn't cheat me. I gave him two yuan and forty cents to take over the radish. I was happily getting ready to go home. Suddenly someone was shouting, "wait a minute, little friend!" I turned around and saw that it was the uncle! "Little friend, when you just paid, it seems that you dropped two yuan in your pocket!" I felt in my pocket, and it was. I hurriedly thanked my uncle and thought: this uncle doesn't like to pit children as people often say, he has a kind heart!


When I came home happily, my mother asked me, "have you got any radishes?" I smiled mysteriously and said, "not only did I buy it, but also I gave it a name of" inner beauty "!" Mother asked, "why?" I told my mother what happened. She smiled and said, "I see! He is such a kind-hearted vegetable seller! "


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