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发布时间:2013-03-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  knife foot policewoman wife

  child mouse life photo


  go buy think say give take keep read tell write cut sit feel hear

  iii)写出所给形容词、副词的比较级和最高级形式well far ill difficult heavy hot little happy

  II. 选择填空1. when she going?A.is B. are C. do D. does

  2. ______ is he staying?A.When B. How long C.How much D. How many

  3. She is going Friday.A. in B. from C. at D. on

  4. We are camping.A. doing B. do C. go D. going

  5. What is your New Year’s ? I am going to work harder in school.A. exercise B. think C. resolution D. work 6. How are you going to buy a new car? I am going to get a job.A. part-time B. healthier C. useful D. part

  7. I a stomachache.

  You eat that hamburger. A. has, should B. have, should C. have, shouldn’t D. has, shouldn’t

  8. They are stressed .

  They study all night. A. out, shouldn’t B. out, should C. in, should D. ×, shouldn’t 9. Will you please tell me something about China? .

  A. that’s right. B. all right C. you’re welcome D. that’s all right

  10. How do you go to work?

  I go to work .A. by car B. drive a car C. by a bus D. drives a car III. 补全对话:

  i)从所给动词中选词且用正确的形式填空:  have, get , stay, like , sound, do, hike, go, visit,

  Tony: what are you   1  for vacation, Ada?

  Ada: I’m  2   to Tibet for a week.

  Tony: That   3    interesting!

  Ada: What are you doing there?

  Tony: I am going   4   in the mountains.

  Ada: How about you, Tony? What are you doing for vacation?

  Tony: I’m    5  my friend in HongKong.

  Ada: Oh, yeah? How long are you    6   ?

  Tony: Just for four days. I   7    going away for too long.

  Ada: Well,   8   a good time. Show me your photos when we get back to school.


  about, with, before, in, and, to, on, at, for, after,

  Andy: hi, Vince? Vince:Yeah, hi, Andy.

  Andy: Vince, can you play tennis 1   me? Vince:Uh, when?

  Andy: Today. Vince:Uh, no, sorry, I can’t. I have   2 go to the doctor and study 3   a test today. Andy: How   4   tomorrow?

  Vince: Sorry, tomorrow I am playing soccer  5   I have a piano lesson.

  Andy: Oh, well, what are you doing the day  6   tomorrow?

  Vince: I have   7 visit my aunt. Andy: Oh, I see.Vince: I’m sorry, Andy. I am really busy this week.IV. 阅读理解

  Barry Tan was a very successful businessman. He lived in a large house and drove a big car. He wore expensive clothes and ate his meals in famous restaurants. His name was often in the newspapers.

  One day a newspaper reporter asked him, “What’s the secret of your successs?

  Barry thought for a few moments and then said, “I eat a special kind of fish.

  “You eat a special kind of fish? The reporter said, “What does that do?

  “It makes my brain worker better. Barry said.

  “What kind of fish is it ? the reporter asked.

  “Give me fifty dollars and come back tomorrow. I’ll have some for you.

  The reporter gave Barry fifty dollars and returned the next day.

  “Have you got my special fish? she asked.

  “Yes. Come into the house. It in the fridge.

  Barry took the reporter into his kitchen. He opened his fridge and took out a very small fish. “Here you are.eat this for your dinner.

  The next day the reporter called on Barry again.

  “Did you eat the fish? Barry asked her.

  “Yes, I fried it.

  “Good. Do you feel different today?

  “No, I don’t. And I think that fifty dollars was a lot to pay for such a small fish.

  “Well done! Barry said, “You see, the fish is working. You are using your brain now.

  1. How did people know Barry was successful? A. He ate a lot of expensive fish. B. He owned a newspaper. C. He worked in a famous restaurant. D. Newspaper reporters wrote about him.

  2.Why did Barry sell the reporters a fish?A. She was hungry. B. He didn’t want it himself.

  C. He needed the money. D. He wanted to teach her lesson.

  3.What did the reporter think the fish would to her?A. Make her ill.B. Make her brain work better.

  C. Make her famous.D. Help her to come rich.

  4.What was the real secret of Barry’s success?A. He ate a special kind of fish.B. He had a lot of money.C. He used his brains.D. The story doesn’t tell us.


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