Accommodation常见的用法有两个,一个是指出行时解决我们基本生活问题的“食宿”,通常用复数形式,比如:tourist accommodations on the boat 《通知》要求,依法妥善处理涉疫情旅游合同纠纷,要严格执行法律政策,妥善处理涉疫情旅游合同的解除、费用负担等纠纷。
Businesses and tourists were encouraged to settle disputes by adjusting some terms of their contracts through negotiations, said the circular. Specific changes include postponing the execution of the contract or changing service packages.
If the two sides in dispute fail to reach an agreement, travel businesses should offer tourists refunds after deducting commissions that have been paid to subcontractors and cannot be refunded, the circular said.
Refund这个词可以说是“一词多能”,既可以用来表示“退款”这个动作 【相关词汇】
散客 individual tourist
自由行 independent travel
跟团游 package tour
深度游 in-depth travel
自驾游 self-driving tour
旅游保证金 travel deposit