I have a duck whose head looks like a ping-pong ball. The body is small, the whole body is covered with yellow hair, like wearing a space suit. Its feet are connected together. When swimming, the feet stroke. I like my duckling very much!
Meat was main dish for early humans
科学家研发出电脑法官 断案准确率达79%
Apollo's final missions: The last footsteps on the moon
Officials say New Orleans is better protected(视频)
American history: A new world clash of cultures
Many millions suffer from depression
Seattle, 'City of Clocks' keeps on ticking
Cheating scandal threatens Harvard's image
Schwarzenegger becomes policy analyst(视频)
When it comes to beer, variety rules in USA
Nobel Prize in economics recognizes 'market designers'
William Shakespeare: Star of stage and screen
United Nations report urges
Early detection and treatment a must for glaucoma patients(视频)
Conflict presses Syrian economy
How to win a debate, Presidential or otherwise
Femen's topless protest tactics hit Paris(视频)
Several US States to let voters decide same-sex marriage(视频)
科学证实 富人总是“目中无人”?
Feed the soil, feed the crops
Maryland man is real hero behind 'Argo'
Research grows through citizen science
Some illegal immigrants allowed to stay under Obama order
Effort underway to boost US voter participation(视频)