After dinner, I was happily watching cartoons on the sofa, and my mother was washing dishes in the kitchen.
这时,动画片结束了,荧屏上出现了大宅门的片名,明明想妈妈辛苦一天了,再说 今天是三八妇女节,明明就蹦蹦跳跳地跑到厨房里拉着妈妈的衣服说:“妈妈您快点去大厅看您喜欢的大宅门吧”妈妈点点头说,“你真是个好孩子,你要小心点啊!”
My mother went to the living room and watched TV on the sofa in comfort. She thought that she had grown up and washed the dishes carefully in the kitchen. She also thought that I would be busy with my mother's work in the future, so that she would not be so tired.