二手房现短暂“过户潮” 买家担忧新房价格上涨-查字典英语网
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二手房现短暂“过户潮” 买家担忧新房价格上涨

发布时间:2013-03-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  The evening of March 1st, the State Council released the real estate new " country of five " rules, which the tax means to strengthen the regulation of real estate intention is very obvious. Rules: on the sale of owner-occupied housing should be in accordance with the law strictly according to the transfer income of 20% have been assessed. A message immediately caused the market strong concern.

  Reporter noted that, according to the difference between the 20% income tax is not " the new regulations ". Prior to the secondary housing personal income tax has two kinds of assessment methods: the difference of 20% or 1% of the total price to 2%, the transaction can be selected from the low. For the rapidly rising housing prices of housing, in accordance with the price as a basis for calculating the relative cost. And the " country of five " rules promulgated, will greatly improve the second-hand housing transaction costs.

  It is reported, issued a notice in the above on the same day, the Beijing part of the purchase agreement to avoid taxes through the night. So after the implementation of new property market impact of geometry? The industry is expected, second-hand housing transaction costs, or cause the owners are reluctant to sell the decline in trading volume; on the other hand, the seller will tax onto property buyers purchase enthusiasm, suppress. In addition, due to the linkage effects of second-hand housing and Yishoufang, prospective buyers tax policy adjustment will also prompted some second-hand housing will look to the new premises, which affect the price of new houses.


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