这里的外籍教师 征求意见稿提出,要建立外籍教师信用记录制度 Those whose behavior is in accordance with Chinese laws and their work contracts, and who teach ethically and well, will have that recorded in the credit system, it said.
The credit system will also record those who breach their contracts, commit crimes, use drugs, mistreat underage students or illegally engage in religious education. They should be fired and reported to the education authorities.
All foreign teachers must have no criminal record, infectious diseases, or a history of mental illness, sexual harassment or drug use, it said.
Foreign teachers working at schools should hold a valid work visa, have a bachelor's degree or higher and have at least two years' related teaching experience.
Those working as language tutors at training institutions should hold a valid work visa, be a native speaker, have a bachelor's degree or higher and specific qualifications for teaching a language, it said.
Education institutions that hire unqualified foreign teachers or falsify work permits or other credentials will be fined from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan per teacher, and those who seriously violate regulations will have their business permits revoked, it added.
上一篇: 研究:气候变化将使北极熊在本世纪末灭绝