"I'm wearing green clothes, and my stomach is full of water. I have many children, and all of them have black faces." What do you think it's about? By the way, it's watermelon.
西瓜的 品种可多了!有的就像我小时候玩的皮球那么小,又的不大不小,有还的很大很大,重二三十斤呢!西瓜的颜色很绿,它很小的时候不太绿,西瓜的身上还有几道黑色的小条条,真像斑马身上的花纹。
Watermelon feels very smooth, it is not as rough as orange! I saw my mother cutting the watermelon, "click" a sound, immediately fragrant, look at its red pulp, its seeds black row on both sides of the watermelon, wow, good smell, I opened my mouth and took a big bite, the bright red sweet juice is blood flow all over the body, sweet.
Watermelon is also very useful. It can relieve heat and fire. Watermelon can also be made into watermelon cream, which can reduce inflammation and leg swelling.
I like watermelon so much. It's my favorite fruit.