

发布时间:2020-07-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


It's summer vacation. I'm going to play at Grandma's in the country.


Although it's very hot in the city, it's cool in the countryside.


One day, I went out to play and walked through a vegetable field. Walking, I saw a female goat and a little goat eating cabbage in the vegetable field. I hurriedly ran to the mountain and shouted, "Mommy goat, you can't eat in the vegetable field. Go to the hillside and eat the green grass.". But the goat pretended not to hear, and ignored it.


I was so angry when I saw it. He said to himself, "what a mother sheep who doesn't listen to advice!". I looked around, and suddenly I saw a string not far away. I tied her head with a rope and pulled her out. But mother goat still did not return to eat vegetables, I was very angry, then hard pull, but did not wait for me to pull out the goat, the rope has been broken.


"BAABAA," cried the little goat, as if laughing at me. I'm more angry. "Why am I so stupid? I'll just take the little goat away. " So I picked up the little goat and left. At this time, mother sheep stopped eating grass and turned to chase me. I am happy to say: "ha ha, you still can't leave. I will return your baby to you when you leave the vegetable field." With so many methods, I finally got rid of the goat skillfully.


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